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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Margaret obediently lay down. When she finally calmed down, Elizabeth said, “When did you get pregnant? You silly girl, why did you hide this from me? Why didn’t you tell Mr. Lewis about this? He’ll surely be angry with you after this. Also, why did you meet Jenson? What man could possibly not mind something like this? You should keep a distance from people of the opposite sex next time, okay?”

Margaret closed her eyes. “It’s not what you think it is. I need some space now.”

Elizabeth sighed and tucked her in before leaving the room. “I’ll bring some food for you. I’ll be back soon.”

Silence returned to the room. Margaret lay unmoving for a while before taking out her phone to call Jodie. At that moment, what she wanted to do the most was to meet her best friend, who knew her best.

The call went through quickly. The second she heard Jodie’s voice, she burst into tears again. “Jo, I’m in the hospital. Can you come now?”.

Jodie jumped in shock. “What? Why are you in the hospital? What happened?”

Margaret weakly mumbled, “I’ll tell you when you’re here.”

After she hung up the call, Jodie hastily put down her ladle and ran to the doorway. When Raina saw her dashing out, she asked, “Where are you going?”

Having no time to explain, Jodie only responded, “I need to take a quick trip to the hospital and might not come home tonight. I’ve made two dishes, so just finish them. Just leave the dishes in the basin once you’re done. I’ll wash them when I’m back.”


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