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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Christopher was sitting at his desk in the CEO’s office at Lewis Corporation. The ashtray next to him was almost filled up.

When Steven pushed the door open and walked in, he almost suffocated from the smoke. “What the heck are you doing? Why are you still in the office late at night? Didn’t you quit smoking some time ago? Why are you smoking again? Your wife didn’t allow you to smoke, and now you’re not even allowed to go home?”

Christopher stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray forcefully. With a frightening expression on his face, he snarled, “Don’t bring her up!”

Raising his eyebrows, Steven asked, “Did you two quarrel? Is it because she found out what you did to the Swanson family? They signed the acquisition agreement themselves, so technically, you didn’t force them. Moreover, Jenson has to work under you now. If she’s upset about it, just let her throw tantrums. That’s just how women are. However… now everyone knows that she cheated on you with another man. What do you think about this? In my opinion, you deserve it. You knew it was Megan who hit her, but you still covered for her.”

Christopher ran his fingers through his hair irritably. “Can you stop talking about this? How’s the progress in the matter that I asked you to investigate?”

“The child must be yours. Although she and Jenson met a few times, there were always other people present, and they never met for very long. They rarely even see each other alone. I don’t get it. Just what the hell are you suspecting?” Steven responded grumpily.

Upon hearing that, Christopher fell silent. It was not that he did not trust her, but her attitude did not meet his expectations. She even openly admitted that the child was not his, and everyone knew about it.

Before he could respond, Steven tutted again. “I’ll settle the ‘cuckold’ incident for you. I don’t want our business partners to sign a contract with you out of sympathy. Our dear Christopher is a competent man!”

“Shut up!” Christopher glared at him.

“I think you’d better not irritate her. She used to be as docile as a bunny in front of you, and you could treat her however you like. I didn’t expect her to be so scary during an outburst,” Steven remarked, smirking.


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