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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Christopher knew that Margaret did not care how many women he got involved with outside of their home; She just wanted to argue with him for no reason at the moment. Thus, he remarked, “You should look after the cat properly. Don’t ever let it leave your sight. Else, who knows what might happen?”

Margaret stopped her actions and replied, “You can try kicking it out of the house if you have the guts to, Christopher. You wouldn’t like what I’ll do afterward, though.”

The large dining room fell into complete silence as Christopher thought he had misheard her words. Wait. Is this still the same tame, young girl I took in all those years ago?

Nevertheless, Christopher was not upset at her sudden boldness. Instead, he felt a warmth spreading through his chest as it seemed like they were a couple.

When he came back to his senses, he realized how foreign that feeling was to him and asked coldly, “What would you do if I kicked that cat out?”

Margaret locked gazes with him before replying sternly, “I know Megan is important to you. Since you enjoy comparing her to my cat, I’m more than happy to treat Megan the same way you behave around my cat.”

That made her seem like she had gone back to being a kid in Christopher’s eyes, so he spoke calmly. “Oh. Be my guest then.”

Margaret lost her appetite after that. She then went upstairs with a plate of salmon.

Tabby loved eating salmon. It wasted no time licking the plate clean before leaning against Maragaret’s leg and licking its round belly.

Margaret’s mood instantly improved as she leaned down to pat Tabby’s soft fur. “Tabby, you were clearly a stray cat before this… How are you so big compared to other cats?”

A loud snort abruptly sounded from outside the art room. Margaret turned and saw Christopher’s figure flashing past. Then, she heard him slam the door of his study.


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