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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151

When Leila and Margaret arrived at the forty-sixth floor of Lewis Corporation, Christopher’s secretary, Emily, placed two pairs of slippers in front of them. “Please wear these.”

Leila obediently put them on while Margaret did not. Nevertheless, Margaret still knocked and waited for Christopher’s permission before entering the office. After all, she was there for the contract signing, not to argue with Christopher.

“Mr. Lewis, this is the draft contract for your perusal. You can read through it slowly as we aren’t in a hurry. We can also have a meal later for you to make up your mind,” Margaret said in a formal tone.

She stood upright, wearing a smile on her face. Margaret looked professional from top to bottom, save for the part where she did not wear any indoor slippers.

Leaning against his chair, Christopher scanned the document thoroughly. His serious look caught Margaret by surprise. Initially, she thought that he would deliberately make things difficult for her. Yet, Christopher impressed her by keeping their private matters separate from their work. Hence, she felt confused why Christopher insisted on her attending the contract signing.

Moments passed before he put the document aside. “There’s nothing major. Let’s discuss the rest during our meal.”

He then stood up to put on his coat. Seeing that, Emily naturally took it as her cue to fix his collar as if she was his wife.

Margaret swiveled round to look in the other direction, as it was an unbearable sight for her.

Witnessing the incident, Leila secretly scrutinized Emily. That secretary is pretty and has a nice body. However, isn’t it a tad inappropriate to tidy a guy’s clothes in front of his wife?

On the way to the restaurant, Leila and Margaret walked together while Christopher walked alongside Emily, whom he had asked to join him.


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