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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 185

An Impossible Marriage 

Chapter 185 

Tears started welling up in Margarets eyes as she remained silent. Her feelings were incomprehensible at that moment. She was affirmative that it was Christopher who had put Jenson in this predicament. Margaret did not blame Christopher. Instead, she was genuinely disappointed in him

The cat was the trigger for their arguments. Now, the way she threw a tantrum made her look like a kid. Before their marriage, she always acted like a kid in front of Christopher. Conversely, he would act like a stern parent

Elizabeth, forget about it. Bring her back to her room. If she is unwilling to go back, ask someone to throw her cat outside the house.Christopher returned to the dining table with a poker face

Elizabeth could not help but force Margaret back to her room and persuade her, Meg, how could you talk to Mr. Lewis that way? Didnt you see how he changed for you recently? Why cant both of you sit down and discuss the matter nicely? I know you have your grievances. I understand that Tabby is your precious pet, and you dont want anything bad to happen to it. Nina has her fault too. Why did she carry Tabby when she knew it didnt like her in the first place? Why did she make a scene when Tabby scratched her? Nina never acted like a guest when she was in someones territory. Its so annoying. Please get some rest first. I‘ll get you something to eat in your room later.” 

Margaret lay on her bed and stayed silent. Her tears streamed down her cheeks and dropped to her blanket

To her surprise, Christopher was the one who entered her room and put the food tray by her bedside, not Elizabeth. He stood quietly beside her while gazing at her attentively. There was dead silence in the room as if it was the calm before a storm

After some time, Christopher started to speak. The food will turn cold if you dont eat now.” 

Margaret buried her head in the blanket before he dragged her from bed. Im asking you to eat.” 

His tone was not cold, and he did not have a grim expression. Conversely, he sounded helpless

When Margarets attempt to break free from Christophers grip was unsuccessful, she sat up and turned away. She did not want him to see her crying

Are you arguing with me because of Jenson? We are just starting to have peaceful days. Are you not used to it? Would you believe if I tell you I was not the one who harmed him?Christopher was furious

What about the recording?Margaret fixed her gaze on him while asking

After falling into silence for a few seconds, Christopher let go of her, but he had never retracted his gaze. So, you started the argument when you thought I was the one who did that? Okay, fine. It was me. It is useless for you to make a scene now. Before you give birth to the Lewis familys child, theres no way you can leave the family. Its even impossible for you to be with him. Dont ever let me know you are trying to meet him again. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as an accident in the future. Ill make him disappear from this world!” 

Taken aback, she grabbed the pillow and flung it at him as if she had gone crazy. Christopher raised his hand to block his face, allowing her to vent her frustration. After changing his clothes, he left with a frosty expression


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