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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 188

An Impossible Marriage 

Chapter 188 

Are you doubting my hearing ability?Jodie asked annoyedly

Margaret was not in the mood to talk about anything else. Im not. All right. Well talk more next time. Christopher is at home, and it isn‘t convenient for me to talk about Jenson. Ill hang up now.” 

After hanging up, she immediately called Hannah. The latter picked up the phone and asked coolly, Meg, why are you calling me now?” 

Margaret became even more suspicious when she noticed Hannah sounded overly calm. The latter must have guessed that Jodie would tell Margaret that she was at the hospital. That was why she seemed exceptionally calm when she picked up the phone and did not even bother pretending to sound affectionate

You were lying to me when you told me you have cancer, werent you? Before this, I even hoped that it was just a lie. But now, I really wish that it was true! You‘re really disgusting. You make me feel ashamed to be your child. How could you use me and lie to me? You used me for the Jenkins family, for that man, and for Megan. Your daughter knocked me over, caused me to suffer a miscarriage, and even used the driver as a scapegoat. Not only that, you were the one who settled it for her. Like mother, like daughter. Very well indeed. Hannah, Ill make you regret this. Im not 

like Dad, and I wont be so foolish to love you unconditiona 

Hannah was silent for a moment before she responded, If I didnt lie to you, would you have helped me then? I had no other choice back then. No matter how you view me to be, your image of me is already deeply rooted in your mind. Theres nothing else that I can ask for. I just hope youll remember that Im here for you if you need someone to turn to in the future.” 

When Margaret heard her response, she was utterly disgusted. Drop the act. Besides, I havent helped you in any way. When I asked Christopher for help, he didnt agree to it. You should thank Megan instead for seducing someone as powerful as Christopher for help!” 

With that, she immediately hung up. When she came back to her senses, she realized that tears had been streaming down her cheeks. 

Are you crying?Ninas voice suddenly sounded from behind her

Nope.Margaret hurriedly wiped away her tears and turned around. She did not want to embarrass herself in front of others

Despite that, Nina refused to let her off. Instead, she raised her voice and asked, Margaret, why are you crying? I think I heard you talking to your mother over the phone just now. You even mentioned Christopher. So youre not an orphan after all! You even have a mother.” 

Margaret stopped in her tracks once she heard that, then spun around and looked directly at Nina. Shut up! Do you think it‘s fun to broadcast other peoples business?” 

Nina pursed her lips at Margarets words. No. Its just that Im curious about why you‘re crying so hard. Such a poor thing. Tsk. Tsk.” 


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