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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21

He wanted to deepen the kiss after tasting the sweetness of her mouth. However, Margaret turned her face away.

“Do you not like this? Or… Do you not like doing this with me?” Christopher’s tone had turned cold. This made Margaret feel afraid.

Thinking about the times he was angry, Margaret bit her lower lip. “No…

Just then, Christopher’s phone, which was placed on the bed, rang. Margaret heaved a sigh of relief and stood up to pass his phone to him.

Seeing the caller’s name, Christopher frowned, and he did not answer the call. Margaret understood immediately, and she left after flashing a smile at him. At the same time, she also felt relieved.

Perhaps hell let me go when he has found someone he likes and wants to start a family. That was what Margaret hoped for.

When she returned to her room, she lay on her bed and checked her phone. Her screen was full of celebration messages, making it look very lively as the New Year was approaching. The messages couldn’t warm her dispassionate heart, though.

The notification that popped up garnered her attention. It was a message from Jodie, and Margaret held her breath when reading the contents of the message. Jenson is back

Although she knew that he was only back for the holidays and would leave soon, she still had an inexplicable feeling. The elegant, innocent boy with bright eyes had been etched on her heart.

Jenson and Christopher were completely different people.

Margaret returned Jodie’s call and inquired, “Jo, when is Jenson leaving?”

On the other end of the line, Jodie teased, “Why? You don’t want him to leave? Actually, I’m also not sure. Are you able to come to the gathering tomorrow? He’s the one organizing it. Oh right! I’m going to introduce you to my boyfriend. Tell me if you want to join us.”

“I’ll be there,” Margaret instinctively replied. A second before Margaret replied to Jodie, she decided that she could take the risk of sneaking out, since Christopher was

leaving for a business trip the next day.

The next day, Christopher left in the early morning.

Margaret rummaged through her closet and could not find any decent clothes to wear. She felt like going on a shopping spree for the first time. She called for Jodie to join her for a shopping spree.

Jodie gasped in astonishment when she saw Margaret pay for her purchases. “Meg, you’re too much! I always thought you were poor, but you were merely pretending to be poor! You’re actually pretty wealthy.”

Margaret did not want to tell her that the sum of money was actually given by Christopher. “Don’t talk nonsense. Let’s go!”

The gathering was held in Jenson’s seaside mansion at night.

Almost everyone had arrived when Margaret and Jodie arrived. Margaret was not familiar with most of them and had not even met some of them. The only person who caught her eyes instantly was none other than Jenson.

“Margaret, long time no see,” Jenson greeted with a faint smile. His beautiful eyes stared at her attentively, causing Margaret to feel shy to meet his gaze. “Yes… Long time to see.”

The people around them began to tease Jenson. “Jenson, is this your real reason for hosting the gathering?”

“That’s right. What’s wrong with that?” Jenson did not hide it and admitted it outright. Although he sounded as if he was joking, he was not lying. Margaret lowered her head shyly, and a warm fuzzy feeling filled her chest.

Jodie pulled Jack away from the crowd of people and introduced him, “Meg, this is my boyfriend, Jack Smith.”


At that moment, there was only one thought in her head. If Christopher finds out about this, Im doomed


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