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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

It took Elizabeth a moment before she realized who Margaret was talking about. She then smiled and said, Really? Mr. Lewis is coming back? Thats great. The two of you havent been together for three years ever since you got married. It‘s great that hes coming back. Ill have the servants clean the house. Dont worry.” 

Back in her room, Margaret cleaned up her sketches. She was currently working at a fashion design company and had just become a permanent employee. The room was a mess since she was usually busy with work, and Elizabeth did not dare to help with the cleaning, as she had no idea which of Margarets sketches was important. However, Margaret did not want Christopher to know her messy side now that he was coming back

Margaret specifically asked Fredrick about Christophers flight. On the day he was coming back, she went over to the airport to wait for him

It was snowing the day he left, and it was the same the day he came back. At that moment, she could not help but feel as though the past three years were like a dream. Time passed in the blink of an eye

Among the passing crowd, she spotted his tall figure almost immediately. He was still as handsome and eyecatching as he was three years ago

However, she froze when she saw the woman holding onto his arm, and she realized that he didnt come back alone

When Christopher and that woman approached Margaret, she heard them talking to each other. Christopher, can you stay with me at the hotel tonight? Im scared to be alone.” 

Well see,Christopher answered coldly but with patience

Seeing that, Margaret had the urge to get out of that place. However, Christopher saw her before she managed to turn around. He did not look surprised, nor did he show any sort of emotions at all. He asked nonchalantly, Why are you here?” 

His words made Margaret feel as if she was the third wheel. I1...” 

She was at a loss for words. She wanted to say that she was there to pick up a friend, but she knew he would see through her lies easily because she did not have any friends

Christopher ignored her and turned to the woman beside him. Be good and go to the hotel first,he said softly

The woman was very young, donning a white fur coat and highheeled boots. Her smile and movement were elegant and captivating. Unlike Margaret who was giving off a gloomy vibe, that woman was lively and youthful

The woman glanced at Margaret with curiosity before replying to the man, All right, then. But youll have to come over tonight to accompany me...” 

Christopher smiled and waited for the woman to leave before he resumed his usual cold demeanor and walked out on his own

Margaret followed behind him without a word. Meanwhile, Noah was already waiting outside. Thus, the two of them got into the car. No one said anything for the rest of the ride

Margaret felt that she was in no position to ask about that woman, and she reckoned that he was not going to explain anything to her

Finally, she broke the silence when they were approaching the Lewis residence. When can Jo come back?

Christopher was looking at his phone when he heard her question. His fingers were running on the screen, and he was replying to a text. Specifically, he was replying to a text from the woman that Margaret had met earlier in the airport

I said before that Ill decide based on the way you behave,he said with a frown. It was as though he found it annoying to speak to her

At the sound of that, she dared not ask any more questions

Christopher was still replying to text messages when it was dinner time. Margaret lost all her appetite when she saw that. She put down her fork after taking a few bites and said, I have to work overtime tonight. Ive got to go.” 

She did not want to be in the way between Christopher and that woman


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