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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Casper could feel his temple throbbing. “Well... Does Christopher know that you‘re here looking for Margaret?” 

Megan‘s expression changed almost immediately. “H–He doesn‘t know that I‘m here. Casper, can you please not tell him about this? I promise to leave now. I also promise that I won‘t come here to cause trouble anymore. I‘ll handle the issue with her privately, okay?” 

Casper waved her off. “Okay, okay. I won‘t tell him anything. Just leave.” 

Megan then shot Margaret a glare and warned, “I‘ll come back for you sooner or later.” 

Margaret returned to her seat after Megan left, and so did the others. 

A thought then flashed in Casper‘s mind. He opened his mouth, wanting to voice it out, but no words came out as he figured that it was not something he should get involved with. 

When it was time to get off work, both Margaret and Casper entered the elevator together. 

“How long have they been dating each other?” she asked all of a sudden. 

“Erm... Do you mean Christopher and Megan?” Casper was uncertain if Margaret was referring to the two. 

Margaret nodded in reply. Casper then disclosed, “I wasn‘t sure about the exact time, but they were already dating when they were overseas. Anyway, why do you care?” 

Margaret just shook her head in return. She knew that even if she was bothered by such a fact, there was nothing she could do about it. 

After that, the two did not speak to each other. Casper then personally drove Margaret to the restaurant where she agreed to meet Jodie. 

The moment they entered the restaurant, Casper subconsciously furrowed his brows. It was a working–class restaurant that he would not typically visit. When he noticed the oil stain on the table, he had the urge to turn and leave. However, when he thought of Christopher‘s instructions, he forced himself to stay. 

“Meg. I‘m here!” Jodie waved enthusiastically upon seeing Margaret, disregarding the other customers‘ curious stares. 



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