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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

Casper texted: Megan came to the office today to seek trouble with Margaret. They got into a fight as well. Margaret was also injured

Christopher replied: Noted

Though it was only a oneword reply, Christopher paused for a long while before sending it. Why didnt she tell me about Megan? Does she not know how to complain and seek justice for herself

The next day, Casper did not go to the company. Margaret heard that he went to the hospital

She felt sorry for him when she heard about the news. I shouldve done something to stop Jodie last night. Shes a straightforward person, and theres nothing Casper could do about it, so he tried to put up with it

Christopher did not return to their room to sleep last night. Margaret had no idea if he had left the house. She also noticed that something was not right between them. That was normal, as it had always been hard for the two to live their married life peacefully

At noon, Margaret received a call from Jodie. Meg, Im by myself today. Do you want to have lunch together? Im at your companys entrance.” 

I’ll be there soon.She took her purse and left the office

When the two met downstairs, Margaret noticed that Jodie was not herself. She asked, Whats wrong, Jo? Is there something on your mind?” 

Jodie forced out a smile in return. She then brushed away the snow on her coat with great force and said, Lets look for somewhere to eat first. Im freezing!” 

Jodie then chose an upscale restaurant nearby. After they were seated, she immediately ordered food impatiently

Margaret was even more convinced that Jodie had something on her mind upon seeing how she was acting. Jo, is there something wrong between you and Jack?” 

Jodie wrapped her hands around the cup filled with warm water and mulled for a moment. I sincerely feel that Jack simply wants to return and isnt willing to get engaged with me. Nor does he want to have a future with me. After what happened 

three years ago, Jack told me that he would go overseas with me. I was touched, and I asked my dad to sponsor him. His daily expenses for the past three years were from my family.” 

She then continued, He became somewhat quiet before returning. When I asked him about it, he told me that he wanted to go home because his sick mother needed his help and also because he wanted to have a life with me in our home country. He also promises to get engaged with me when we return. Thats why I called you and asked for your help back then. I asked him yesterday about the engagement. He ended up avoiding the topic, and this isnt the first time hes done it, Meg. You know Im never a skeptical person, but when this has happened so many times, I just couldnt help but wonder if he isnt sincere about the engagement.” 

Margaret was no expert in relationships, but based on what Jodie had told her, it seemed that Jack did not want to get engaged with Jodie. As for issues other than that, Margaret was not sure


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