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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Initially, Margaret was startled. As soon as she confirmed that Christopher was not pretending to be drunk but rather acting in a subconscious manner, she breathed a sigh of relief and carefully approached him while asking, Whats the matter?” 

All of a sudden, he pulled her into his arms. Sleep with me.” 

Her face was completely buried in his chest, and he was holding her tightly. Sniffing the scent that was exclusively his, she blushed with shyness because his words were too suggestive

Even if they had had a heated argument before he left the house, she would not act foolishly and take it out on a drunk man. Nestling herself in his arms, she adjusted her body to a comfortable position

However, he started to move his hand and caressed her cheek with his thumb for a while. Then, his hand began to move downward, brushing her soft neck and stopping on her delicate collarbone

It was as if his hand possessed magical powers. Her body began to heat up wherever his palm touched. In an instant, her heart started racing, and she subconsciously slowed her breathing

Nevertheless, he did not stop there. Soon, his hand continued to descend and rest on her chest

Margaret instinctively wanted to dodge, but she was afraid that he would get mad, so she simply gritted her teeth and remained motionless, praying that he would fall asleep soon

Unfortunately, the more she looked forward to something, the more it went against her wishes. As if thinking that the clothes were in his way, not only did he not stop, but he also slipped his hand into her shirt through the collar

Immediately, she held her breath, and her face was scorching hot as if it were about to burn. Finally, she could not help but say, Christopher.” 

The man heard her voice and responded, Yes?” 

You should rest early. Go to sleep.She did not dare to say anything else. Even her tone sounded cautious

Leaning closer, he looked at her with his bleary eyes. Dont you want to leave? Ill give you a chance.” 

With that said, he rolled over and got on top of her, ripping off her pajamas with both hands

Her chest shivered as a significant section of her skin was abruptly exposed to the air

For a moment, she looked like a stranded fish, wanting to gasp for air desperately

Christopher did not forget to turn off the light in the room. As darkness enveloped her, she stared at the figure on top of her in horror

His body reeked of alcohol, and his increasingly forceful hands made her want to escape. Instinctively, she reached out to push him away and rapidly escaped from under him. Standing beside the bed, she tightened her pajamas. Youre drunk! Get some sleep.” 

Gradually, his eyes regained focus in the darkness, and his expression turned grim. Were you disgusted when Jenson touched you?” 

Margaret froze upon hearing that. She could not recall the memory of that night 

three years ago and was not sure how she would react when facing Jenson. Yet, one thing was obvious. Christopher could not get over it in his heart


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