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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 

When they returned to the Lewis residence, Margaret crept into the house and had her shower downstairs. When she got out, Elizabeth had already made some noodles for her, and she said, Meg, come and have some food. You must be very tired after your overtime.” 

Margaret was touched, and she replied, Elizabeth, Ive been working overtime lately, and you’re always waiting for me to come home. Please go to sleep early and dont wait for me anymore. Im really not hungry.” 

Elizabeth gave Margaret a warm smile and said, This is Mr. Lewisorder. But what he said was not exactly what you want to hear, so Ill not be telling you his original words. Anyway, hes just worried about you, so go have the food. Once youre done, go to bed early.” 

Without even spending a second, Margaret had already figured out what Christopher had said. He was probably worrying about the need to spend money if she fell sick and that people would be accusing him of abusing her

After she finished her meal, Margaret sneaked into the room upstairs like a thief. She did not dare to switch on the lights in fear of waking up Christopher, but when she snuck herself onto the bed, Christopher moved a little. This had her stayed still for quite a good couple of minutes, and she finally lay down carefully after making sure that she didnt wake him up

With her posture adjusted, Margaret quickly fell asleep. After handling that much of a workload for the day, she was already exhausted

Meanwhile, Christophers eyes opened up slowly in the dark. A few strands of Margarets soft hair were touching the tip of his nose. Whenever he breathed, he could smell the alluring scent of Margaret‘s body

The women outside all used different perfumes, and he never liked any single one of them. This woman, however, had the most unique and exceptional scent

On the second day, Margaret woke up half an hour earlier. Having seen Christopher still asleep, courage surged in her, and she bravely changed her clothes beside the bed while thinking of arriving at the office earlier

She was a little embarrassed while removing her clothes, so she had her back facing the bed, but when she turned around, she realized that Christophers eyes were wide open! Aside from that, his eyes were a little red. He seems to have had a good sleep 

yesterday. Better than mine, at least

When their eyes met, the panicked Margaret averted her eyes. Pretending as if nothing had happened, she put on her clothes and said, I got to go... Remember to take your breakfast.” 

Without waiting for his response, Margaret hurriedly ran away, and her face was incredibly red

Elizabeth chased after Margaret and stuffed some waffles into Margarets hand before saying, It doesn’t matter how busy you are, you mustnt skip your meal! Why is your face so red? Are you sick?” 

No, I‘m not sick. Im just feeling a little hot!mumbled Margaret

Elizabeth watched as Margaret walked further away while mumbling, Strange... Its cold recently, and its morning now. Why would she feel hot?” 

When it was already ten oclock in the morning, Elizabeth felt curious as to why Christopher wasnt awake yet, and she kept talking about this with Fredrick. Whats wrong with Mr. Lewis today? He would always be up early, but hes still sleeping now? Those two are acting strangely today. Margaret said that its hot during the winter, and Mr. Lewis who is extremely selfdisciplined is still sleeping now.” 

Hearing this, the butler rolled his eyes and said, You should be ashamed of yourself. You are already at this age, and yet you still cant figure it out?” 


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