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An Understated Dominance (Maria Vittori) novel Chapter 2229

“Of course, we trusted you. We believe you,” Brian said with an apologetic smile. He went on, “If it weren’t for you, Alicia would probably be dead by now.”


“It’s just a small effort on my part. So, it’s nothing to fuss over,” Kenan said while stroking his beard.

He added, “Sanny, feed her a bit more of that Enigma Mist and let Ms. Marshall witness my capability.”

“Yes, sir!” Sanny replied. He then carefully fed Alicia a couple more sips of the Enigma Mist.

After swallowing the tonic, Alicia’s legs twitched, and then she went still.

Sanny was stunned upon seeing that. Then, he cautiously checked Alicia’s breathing. In an instant, he jerked back as if electrocuted, and his face contorted in fear.

He stammered, “Dr. Quake! The… the patient has stopped breathing.”


The revelation sent shockwaves through the room. Even the self- assured Kenan looked shaken.

“Stopped breathing? How is that even possible?”

Kenan pushed his disciple aside and checked Alicia’s pulse. It had indeed stopped.

“How could this be? This shouldn’t have happened!” He panicked.

He had carefully followed the steps.

First, the Styx Passage technique was used to extract the toxin from Alicia’s body. Then, it was supplemented with the Enigma Mist. Everything should have proceeded smoothly.

In theory, Alicia should have at least regained some vitality after drinking the tonic and begun to recover. But she remained unconscious, and she had also stopped breathing entirely. What went wrong?

“Dr. Quake! Didn’t you say everything would be fine? Why has my sister stopped breathing?” Aurora was agitated and grabbed Kenan’s shirt.

Before the treatment, he made grand promises. However, as soon as he began, everything went terribly wrong.

First, there were convulsions, followed by blood vomiting. And ultimately, she stopped breathing. What kind of skilled doctor was this? He was a quack doctor.

“Dr. Quake! What… What the heck is happening?” Brian frowned and eyed him suspiciously.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a coma-like state. She can still be saved. She can-be saved!” Kenan wiped the sweat off his brow and tried to stay calm.

Chapter 2229 1

Chapter 2229 2


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