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An Understated Dominance (Maria Vittori) novel Chapter 2224

“Are you telling us to leave?” Grace asked.

She narrowed her eyes and added, ” We’re here to save Alicia, yet you’re trying to drive us away. What’s the matter? Don’t you want her to wake up?

“Ridiculous!” Brian scowled. “I’m her senior. Of course, I want her to wake up.

“Then, why are you stopping us from treating her?” she countered.

“Because I don’t trust you!” he asserted. “Who knows what your intentions are? What if you make her condition worse?”

“If I’m not confident, I won’t do it,” Dustin chimed in abruptly.

“Do you hear that? Regardless, let us diagnose Alicia first,” Grace insisted.

“No! The miracle doctor I’ve called will be here soon. Your help isn’t necessary!

“Brian rejected them firmly.

“Aurora, what do you think?” Grace stopped arguing with Brian and turned toward Aurora instead.

As Alicia’s younger sister, Aurora had absolute authority in this situation. If she agreed, Grace would take action and disregard Brian’s objections.

“How about… we let Dr. Rhys treat Alicia first, Brian?” Aurora paused briefly but ultimately chose to trust Grace.

The miracle doctor Brian had arranged hadn’t shown up yet, and Alicia’s condition was deteriorating rapidly. If they delayed any longer, who knew what consequences it might bring?

Now, she could only hope for a miracle.

“Aurora, you’re so foolish!” Brian snapped. “The martial world is dangerous, and people may have hidden motives. What if they’re out to harm Alicia? We can’t take that chance!

“But Alicia’s life is hanging by a thread. If we keep stalling and something goes wrong, who’s going to shoulder the blame?” she countered.

“Well…” Brian hesitated.

“How about we wait for another five minutes? If your miracle doctor hasn’t arrived by then, let Dr. Rhys treat Alicia. How does that sound?” Aurora asked, offering a compromise.

The five-minute window was her way of giving Brian an alternative. Ideally, Kenan would arrive within that time. But if not, Dustin would be her choice.

“Okay. We’ll wait five minutes!” Brian glanced at his watch and reluctantly nodded.

With the discussion reaching this point, he realized he couldn’t keep stalling without causing misunderstandings. Five minutes later, he couldn’t shake off his growing anxiety when Kenan hadn’t arrived.

“What’s taking Dr. Quake so long? Where is he?” Brian frowned and peered out the doorway.

Chapter 2224 1

Chapter 2224 2


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