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An Understated Dominance (Maria Vittori) novel Chapter 2226

“What’s your plan?” Grace arched her eyebrow.

“First, we need to find a way to dispel the witchcraft from Alicia’s body. Then, we’ll use her as bait to lure out the mastermind,” Dustin replied succinctly.

Once they pinned down the culprit, they wouldn’t have to do anything more. The Celestial Alliance members would handle it. After all, Alloy wouldn’t just let those who hurt his daughter off the hook.

“What do you need me to do?” Grace asked.

“I need you to gather some medicinal herbs for me as quickly as possible. I plan to use poison to counteract the dark energy and force it out of Alicia’s body.”

Dustin quickly jotted down a prescription and handed it to her.

She glanced briefly and nodded. “No problem, I’ll gather everything within three hours.”

With the power of Dragonmarsh royalty, she would have no trouble getting her hands on rare medicinal herbs.

After Dustin and Grace left the lakeside villa, they got busy with their respective tasks.

Just shortly after the two departed, a white-haired elder with a beard in a vintage suit entered the villa with two disciples. He exuded an air of elegance and wisdom.

“Dr. Quake! You’re finally here? Please, come in!”

Brian, standing at the door, greeted the white-haired elder with a big smile as he ushered him into the villa.

“Mr. Stern, I’m sorry for the delay. I had some unexpected matters to attend to. Thank you for your patience,” Kenan Quake, the white-haired elder, apologized for being late.

“It’s okay. I’m just glad you could make it,” Brian said courteously.

Kenan was renowned as a miracle doctor in the martial world. He had close connections to the Celestial Alliance.

Moreover, he had healed countless influential figures with mysterious illnesses, which earned him the moniker “Master Healer”.

When dealing with such a skilled doctor, proper respect was a must, especially for martial artists who often faced injuries or health issues.

“Mr. Stern, how is the patient?” Kenan asked.

“The situation is looking grim. Alicia’s still in a coma, and her condition is getting worse. We’ve tried everything, but no doctor’s been able to help,”

Brian replied. His tone was tinged with concern.

Brian seemed to recall something and abruptly changed the subject. “Oh, by the way. A young doctor came by earlier and performed some sort of ethereal technique on Alicia.

“He jabbed her with those ‘ethereal- whatever’ needles and then left abruptly without explanation. I’m not sure if it had any effect.”

“How outrageous!” Kenan frowned.” The patient’s condition is critical. How can you allow unidentified doctors to diagnose and treat her recklessly?

“If anything goes wrong, who will take responsibility? Hurry up and take me to her.”

Chapter 2226 1


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