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Anton Brotherhood novel Chapter 17

In Joy Billiards Hall, a huge crowd gathered here, including men, a lot of young girls, and a few old ladies. Some of them were enjoying playing Carliards and some were chatting excitedly in groups. And in the inner room set there was a desk with six people around it including Anton with a slight frown.

Carl said loudly and excitedly, “Boss Williams, here, we have our own place, and we can do everything we want to make money like pornography, gambling, and drug abuse which are the easiest way to make money. What should we do?”

Jasper laughed, “Boss Williams, how about pornography? We all could get a few interests at the same time, will we? Carl, what’s your idea?”

A withering look was shotted at Jasper, “Fuck you. You will never be a rich guy!” Said Carl, “I'm serious!”

Anton interrupted, “I hate prostitution and I won’t do it. Any problem?”

Anton’s words made Jasper feel guilty. He immediately stood up and echoed, “That is what I was trying to express! I have no problem! None of us is willing to do prostitution business. I...” Not until Jasper finish his words,

Bruce interrupted, “Such nonsense. I think that poison may be available, but we have no access and no capital!” His words were on point and immediately woke up everyone that no matter how fierce they argued, no capital meant everything was in vain.”

Anton nodded to show agreement, “One of the purposes of this meeting is to collect your advice to help our gang with a certain economic base!” Then everyone stopped argumentation and got into brooding.

After a while, Carl came up with an idea, “Do you know Tiger Gang?”

Patrick Clarke nodded, “I've heard of it which is a Russian gang settled in China for facilitating smuggling. Carl, you are trying to ask for their help, aren’t you?”

“Maybe,” Carl laughed, “They are always smuggling around the outskirts of the city recently. And I guess things must be useful. If we rob them, here comes the money, doesn’t it?”

Albert Davis didn’t agree with it, “Tiger Gang must have their strength at least much stronger than us since they can fight with the three underground gangs. The consequences for us are not affordable if we fight with them!”

“Anton looked at everyone and asked Carl who now charged all the money of the gang, “Ms. Ford, how much money do we have now?” Of course, as the boss of this gang, Anton knew the general number of the money but was not accurate. “More than €40,000 and less than €50,000. If we sell drugs grabbed from the pervert, it would up to €70,000!”

Anton got into thought, and he knew that this money means nothing for a gang that had just got started. Suddenly, he touched the 54 pistols in his waist robbed from the pervert, and an idea burst in his mind, then he said loudly, “I need guns, it is there any access?”

Bruce smiled evilly, “Boss, I have an access to get guns which may not be of a good quality.”

“Doesn’t matter, say it!” Anton said.

Bruce whispered, “A relative of me lived in a village around S. City. It's a mountain area where the villagers usually make money by hunting. And the government relaxed management about guns there. I remembered that I had seen three shotguns and a 54 pistol in my relative’s house when I played there. It is said that there is still a grenade used in the Anti-Japanese War period and maybe doesn’t work now.” Anton considered for a few moments and said, “Ms. Ford, give Bruce €50, 000. And Bruce, you go to the place you said just now later and buy guns as much as you can with this money. Especially 54 pistols because it is portable and safe. It is convenient.”

Bruce smiled, “Don’t worry and just wait for my good news, my Boss.”

Anton continued to make an order, “Ms. Ford, you went to find out the trade place and the number of people involved in the trade. It must be a big event.”

Carl said with determination and murder in his eyes, “Don't worry, Boss. I must make it clear.” Anton’s decision did frighten everyone here, but they still believe him because he never made things that he wanted to do fail. HIs authority has long since taking root in everyone's mind. Another point is that they are all young people wishing to do something that shocked everyone. Now, they were excited and expecting the big event.

Anton looked over everyone present, then said to Albert, “Albert, you please talk about the making of the management system.”

Albert nodded and stood up, “State has its laws, and families have their rules. Now that our gang should have its management system. I won't say much about the system. Here are the rules and please pass them along to read later. Let me tell you about the composition of the gang.” Albert took a breath, looking at the people assuring that everyone is listening carefully, he smiled, “Our gang name is Anton Brotherhood with four halls named Dragon Regime, Tiger Regime, Leopard Regime, Justice Regime, and an organization called the Ghost. I think everyone knew the four halls and I will explain the Ghost which is set especially by our Boss as the fundamental part of our gang to get more information and systematize them. Are you clear now?” After that, Albert sat down.

And Anton continued, “Let me show your temporary positions, and they will be changed in the future. Carl, the leader of the Dragon Regime, Jasper, the leader of Tiger Regime, Patrick, the leader of Leopard Regime, Albert, the leader of Justice Regime, and Bruce is in charge of the Ghost. Any problems?” The excited crowd, chorused, “Got it! Boss!”

Only Jasper touched his head and asked, “Sorry, those girls in the gang should be arranged to which hall?” Instantly, Anton came to a mental halt. Carl trod on Jasper’s foot under the table and made a crack, “Well, give all damned to you, Ok?”

Originally, Jasper was annoyed by Carl’s trodding, but after listening to his words, he just nodded with his big head, “Well, well, I take charge for all of them!” It made Carl feel extremely speechless.

Anton laughed, “I have other arrangements about those girls!” Jasper immediately wilted, just stared at Carl who was cheating on him, and didn’t talk anymore.

“The girls Jasper mentioned just now were the beautiful girls that were caught by the pervert at the beginning. They are all students in No. 1 High School with a common feature of no care of their family, be they lost two or one side of parents. Actually, they had been flappers when they are in Junior High Schools. All young girls and this character get developed in No. 1 High School. And after Anton came, they joined Anton Brotherhood naturally and were considered as a unique scene here. However, people can see from the stick to the pervert that these weak-looked girls are actually really cruel.

Anton stood up and said, “Albert has made a list of member names of each hall. Everyone takes one later to find your brothers. Well, the meeting is over, and no one can leak out any content of this meeting.” Then he turned to Bruce, “Bruce, find a few more brothers to company with you, leave now and come back as soon as possible. Ms. Ford, you take money for him now!”

Then, Carl and Bruce agreed and turned to walk out. Suddenly, Anton called them up and exhorted, “Bruce, take a cab on all your road and don't be caught by the police!” Bruce laughed, “Relax, I know that. Nothing wrong will happen!” Then he walked out with Carl.”


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