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Anton Brotherhood novel Chapter 42

Anton Williams squatted down and gave several pushes on the man’s head and said, “I’ve got some questions for you. And, you’d be giving me a clear and pretty answer, or I would be greatly angry, which means everything possible might be taking place. Did you get it? “

The man swallowed hard, with his eyes wide open, staying speechless. Anton continued, “Question No.1, did you put the white powder in the Prince Nightclub?” The man nodded. “Good!” Smiled Anton, “No.2, are you from Youth Gang?” The man nodded again.

“No.3, who sent you?” Talking of this, Anton fully riveted his eyes on the man.

The man gasped, as he was overwhelmed by the pressure from Anton. He was so afraid that he dared not make eye contact with Anton. He murmured softly, “It was Stephan White who sent me.”

Swinging about his finger, Anton whispered to the man in a cold and low tone, “You are quite an Ananias, which makes me sad. First, I hate liars. Second, I hate especially those lying to me! And you, the poor devil, you got both! And now you shall have no excuse, “With that, Anton talked to his men, “Give me a finger from him!”

Hearing this, two of Anton’s men rush forward and pinned the man down, parting his fingers. The man knew what was going to happen on him so that he struggled desperately. But there was no one feeling any pity for him. One of the two men pulls a dagger from his waist, chopping heavily at the man’s little finger.

“Ouch!Ouch!” Yowling loudly, the man rolled over and over on the floor, leaving a trail of blood. Anton stepped forward, holding his foot on the man’s chest to pin him, and said, “Bingo! Just forgot to tell you, don’t fucking imagine that I am joking, as I’ve joked to one who is not my friend!” With that, Anton lifted his foot and then continued, “Now, do you want to say anything real?”

The man looked at Anton Williams in a trance and said, “I…I di…didn't lie. I…I was sent by…by Stephan White.”

Wagging his head, Anton said, “Well, it seems one finger is not enough to be a fucking lesson! Then let’s have another one!” Immediately, several of Anton’s men came forward and chopped the second finger of the man. This time, that man could not take it anymore and fainted as it hurt too much.

Darting a glimpse down at him, Anton said, “Wake him up!” “Yes sir!” One of his men grasp a beer and poured it over the man’s head.

“Oh…ah…” Moaning, the man opened his eyes slowly in a daze and then looked at Anton in a panic, with his face covered with sweat. Anton smiled grimly, “Now, how about that? Have you made up your mind, to be honest? One lie, one finger, and then one toe and then one piece of your fresh. Trush me. You will not die easily before I get what I want. You know what, I am a great promise-keeper.”

Anton’s words put all his fellows in the room in a cold sweat, as they were quite sure that Anton would definitely keep whatever he had said. Closing his eyes, the man seemed to be thrown in silence. Two minutes later, he opened his mouth slowly, “Will you leave me off if I tell you the truth?”

Glancing at him, Anton put it bare and simple, “Definitely no! You are such a brainy guy and you must be clear about what that will bring. So you must die. What you can choose is only either to die with comfort or to die in pain!!”

Bruce White stared at Anton in confusion, figuring to himself that Boss Williams should not put it in such a direct way as it might make the man refuse to talk anymore. However, that man said, “Hah! Anton, you do have a well-deserved reputation. Now I tell you the truth. It is Vicci Smith, the head of Youth Gang, who sent me.” As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, laying on the floor to accept what was going to happen.

‘Holy shit,’ Anton thought to himself, ‘if Vicci Smith dares to deliver such a big move, then will it mean that he is going to rebel? If so, Stephan White will be in danger!’ Anton said to that man loudly, “Do you mean that Vicci Smith is planning to rebel?”

The man laughed, “Plan? This plan is already in place! Ha, now Stephan White may be dead, and Vicci Smith has become the head of the Youth Gang!”

Fed up with the man’s look and his laughter, Anton waved his hand to his men, feeling dizzy. His men got it and dragged the man out.

Then Anton Williams made a phone call to Stephan White. “The subscriber you dialed is power off, or can not be connected, please…” Anton hanged up and made a second call to Jason Brown, “Jason, I’m Anton. Go and check what is happening in Youth Gang, particularly things about Stephan White. The gang is very likely in a civil war. “

“Jason Brown also just received the phone call from the Ghost Regime. Without hesitation, he nodded, “OK, Boss Williams, I'll send someone right away!”

“Remember, be quick. I want to know the exact information by eight o'clock!” Said Anton. “Boss, I got it, I'll do it myself!”

Anton nodded and stayed with others in the North nightclub waiting for further information. Within minutes, men from the Dragon Regime became restless and they were worried about Carl Ford. Bruce White went near to Anton, whispered, “Boss Williams, shall we get Carl Ford out first?”Anton was trying to get a solution but had not found a good one yet. The head of the city police station turned a red eye once he saw men from gangs. It was too difficult to persuade him to let our men off. And he was also a tough guy to deal with. Anton coughed and stood up and asked, “Which police station was brother Carl kept in?”


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