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Auctioned By The Ceo novel Chapter 33

Hang on, what?

No, no, no, that wasn’t part of the plan. She couldn’t have fallen in love with her husband, could she?

She set the coffee machine to work while staring out of the window, desperately trying to talk herself out of this sudden and most unwelcome insight. It was useless however.

“Ah, here you are, up early, my sweet. I clearly have to work on my technique, if you have this much energy in the morning.” Logan’s strong arms came around her, and her breathing hitched when she realized he was naked and very much aroused. He nuzzled into her neck, and his warm breath raised goosebumps on her skin as he whispered in her ear.

“Morning, Mrs. Bryce, you robbed me of our morning cuddles, but here will do just as well.” He dropped his voice, and her traitorous body simply melted for him. She could never resist him, even less now that her heart beat only for him. He nudged her legs apart, and slowly ran his hands up her inner thighs taking the hem of her negligee with him. He groaned when he found her slick folds, and Hannah shut her eyes and gave herself up to the instant tingles his fingers created as he played her body like the craftsman he was.

More of her arousal coated his fingers, and his breathing grew harsh. Hannah, too, had a hard time pulling oxygen into her lungs as she felt the silky tip of his erection slide through her sensitive flesh. A gasp escaped her lips when he pushed into her body, claiming her in one smooth, long thrust, which filled her utterly. A hand between her shoulder blades pushed her forward, and she rose on tiptoes as he started to move. In this position he went deep, awakening nerve endings in over sensitized tissues, still swollen from their nocturnal activities. Logan wrapped his hand in her hair and tugged her head back, his mouth next to her ear, as he whispered dirty words, which shouldn’t be a turn-on, but were nonetheless.

The soft sounds of their bodies slapping together as he upped the pace added another layer of sensory overload, which meant she flew into the pleasurable abyss, at record time. Logan, too, groaned and stiffened, his head resting between her shoulder blades as he pumped his essence inside her body.

“Fuck, yes, that’s what I’m talking about.”

Hannah couldn’t help the tears from falling, as he pulled out of her, and reached across for the tissues to clean her up. His gentle ministrations did her in, and she couldn’t hide the fact she was now openly crying.

“Shit, did I hurt you?”

Logan spun her around, and the concern on his handsome face was too much.

“No. It’s nothing. I just need to…”

She pushed him away and fled to the relative sanctuary of the bathroom. Not that it lasted long, because Logan followed her, and the door fair shook under his fist pounding against it.

“Damn it, woman, let me in. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, please, just go. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Another, much louder thump made her jump and fear for the hinges, before he withdrew.

“Fuck this.”

The fury behind those two words twisted her insides, and she clamped her hand over her mouth to stop the sobs from escaping.

How on earth was she ever going to survive the next few weeks, knowing that she loved him? It made her want so much more, so much that she knew he wasn’t prepared to give.

Chapter Ten

Logan scowled at the locked door, stalked back downstairs, and planted his fist into the wall. Not that the act of violence achieved anything, other than bloody his knuckles. The tower’s walls were ancient and had withstood much more than one man’s fury.

What the ever-loving fuck though?

Just when he thought he had his wife all figured out and they were getting along swimmingly, she pulled this stunt on him. Logan snatched a pair of his joggers of the back of the kitchen chair and grimaced as his injured hand protested yanking them up his legs. He trotted over to the kitchen sink, turned the water on and held his hand under the stream. Rivulets of crimson water collected in the sink, the evidence of his own stupidity not helping his mood one little bit.

A soft gasp behind him alerted him to the presence to his errant wife.

“What on earth did you do?” She was next to him in seconds, the weight of her breast resting on his arm, as she pulled his hand out from under the water, and bent over it to examine it. He tensed when she probed his knuckles—that fucking hurt—but he made sure none of that showed in his face while he ground out a surly answer.

“It’s nothing. Leave it be, woman.”

Hannah flinched, but whatever had possessed her to burst into tears like that must have passed, because she glared up at him in way that she hadn’t done since the early days of their strange relationship. While a part of him was glad to see her ire, the other, confused, wanting to make this better for her part—and what the fuck was that impulse about?—ached to hold her in his arms and for her to open up to him. He liked it far better when they were on the same page. He should have known that easy rapport wouldn’t last. Jeez, two weeks into their marriage and they were at loggerheads already.

Hannah gave him an unexpected shove that forced him to take a step back.

“This.” She deliberately poked at the broken skin, and smiled grimly at his wince. “This is not nothing. Now sit your impossible ass down and let me bandage that up for you. What on earth were you thinking? Oh, let me guess you weren’t thinking. Damn stupid oaf a man.”

Chapter 33 1

Chapter 33 2


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