“I’m going to assume the drugs you’ve been under have addled your brain or something, because if I believed you meant any of that rubbish you’ve been spouting, I would take you over my knee and spank your butt right now.” He smiled grimly at her sharp intake of breath. “Okay, that’s a lie. I wouldn’t do that now, you’re not well enough, but so help me that ass of yours will be red raw when you’re fully back to health. I made a vow at our wedding, in case you’ve forgotten, little dove. To cherish and protect you in sickness and health, so where all that you being an inconvenience nonsense is coming from I do not know.” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to say something.
“No, you said your piece. Now it’s my turn, and you bloody well listen, woman. I know our marriage started off out of necessity, and had you been any other woman it probably would have stayed that way, but you…” He took a step closer, and dragged a deep, almost desperate gulp of air into her lungs. “You’ve challenged me from the first moment I really saw you. Do you have any idea how long I had to sit in that bloody conference room to wait for my boner to go down, all because you popped one damn button on your blouse?” Hannah couldn’t help but smile at that, and his lips, too, quirked.
“Well, do you?”
She tried for a shrug but that move hurt her chest, so she settled for shaking her head.
“That’s just lust, and you can’t base a marriage on that.”
Logan growled and took another step until he stood over her, still glaring and oh so angry, but she sensed it wasn’t directed at her but himself.
“Yeah, I’ve been telling myself that lie ever since, almost believed it, too. But you, little dove.” He took her hand back in his and ran his thumb over the back of it in small, absentminded circles. “You insisted on showing me how wrong I was. Every time you pulled me up on my stupidity, made me face my past and forced it down my throat that Rick turning out the way he has wasn’t my fault. Every time you cried at some stupid happy ever after in one of those Disney romcoms you watch with Rhia every Saturday afternoon. Every time you made her smile, you stood up for her against the assholes that call themselves her grandparents, the way you were with my mum…” His voice cracked, and he dropped her hand.
“Jesus, Hannah, don’t you see? You of all people, with your upbringing, you still believe in love. Oh, I know you said you didn’t, but I knew even then that you did.” He paused and cupped her face. “When you smile, truly smile I mean, your whole being lights up. It draws me in like magnet, makes me want to see that smile again, to be the man who puts it on your face. You never were a convenient wife, sweetheart, but you’ve always been my wife, my little dove, far too fragile and honest and pure for a bastard like me, but so help me, I need you. Rhia needs you. Hell, when they said you had sepsis, and weren’t responding to treatment at first…” He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, she saw sheer terror reflected back at her, and something else. So much deep emotion the broken pieces of her heart slid back together, one hoarse word he muttered at a time. There was no doubt in her mind that he meant them, as he talked her through the days she’d lost. Days filled with despair and ultimately love. She listened in awe as he told her of Rhia singing to her, once she was allowed to see her, of Sarah and even big George in tears, because they couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t be left with some sort of permanent damage, and the sheer relief when she turned a corner.
“So, you see, we simply can’t live without you. I can’t live without you. I love you, you damn stubborn woman, and I refuse to let you walk away from us.” He crossed his arms over his chest, and glared at her. At least she assumed he was glaring. She couldn’t really tell because he’d gone all blurry through the tears she was once again shedding. He moved then, pulled her back in his arms, and she clung to him as she somehow managed to get the words out he needed to hear.
“I’m not stubborn. You are, and I love you, too, so much.” The arms holding her so carefully tightened around her in stranglehold for a few far too fast beats of her heart, before he released her and kissed her. This kiss stole her breath, her soul, and all the parts in between as the world tilted and righted itself again.
Repeated throat-clearing finally broke through the bubble of utter happiness surrounding her, and Logan released her with his usual cocky grin. Lord, was she glad to see that.
“Jeez, man, put the woman down. I’m sure behavior like that is illegal in a hospital, you know.” George’s deep, amused baritone bounced off the walls, and warmth spread through Hannah’s being when she saw all the people she cared most about in the whole wide world were here in her hospital room. George carried a bouquet of flowers, and grinned from ear to ear. A teary-eyed Sarah held onto Rhia’s hand, and as for Rhia… She launched herself across the room the minute Hannah looked at her. Logan helped her onto the bed, and Hannah buried her face in the sweet-smelling curls of the little girl who’d been at the center of all this, and who was in part to thank for bringing her and Logan together.
“Mummy all better now?” Rhia asked when Hannah released her. “Not like my old Mummy?” Her bottom lip wobbled as she said that, and Hannah wished with all her might she could make that better for her.
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