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Back and Better book novel Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen “My little girl”

I decide to walk back to the packhouse. My anger and anguish caused a storm, so it’s pouring and there’s lightning and thunder every 30 seconds, but I don’t care.

As I’step out of the hospital, my phone starts buzzing over and over. But I don’t feel like talking to anyone. After a few minutes I take it out of my pocket, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it.

I’ll get a new one with a new number tomorrow. All I care about right now is my precious Meda. f**k, growing up without parents, i know it’s tough. And now it falls to me to step into that mother figure roll.

It’ll be a thin line to walk, mothering her yet making sure she understands I’m her sister. – And she most likely won’t have a father figure, because there’s no f*****g way I’m letting any of my so called “mates” near her.

I don’t know how long I walk, but I eventually find myself in front of the packhouse. I step in, sopping wet, but don’t give a f**k. So l head to Samantha’s room.

She’s sitting on her bed, scrolling through her phone. When she sees me, her eyes fill with empathy. She stands and wraps me in a hug.

  • It’s exactly what I need, and I sob. I sob because even though my parents f****d up, I still love them. And I wish I had told them that.

After several minutes of standing there and hugging, she rushes me to the bathroom for a shower. When I get out there’s a towel and sweatpants/ a sweatshirt waiting for me. I put everything on and walk out.

Bursting out in tears again at the sight of Samantha caring enough to just sit and wait for me, we end up hugging again. And I tell her everything. Catch her up on everything.

She’s always supported me on everything. We have such a deep connection that I can’t even describe. So when I tell her my views and annoyance with my “mates”, she totally agrees.

And then, with a deep breath, I leave to search for Meda. “I’ll get a new phone tomorrow and call you,” I promise her.

As soon as I step out of her room, I hear a baby’s screams. I follow the noises to Erebus’s study, where Brendon stands- looking helpless with a crying infant in his hands. I walk over to him with my arms out, and he gratefully hands her over.

She’s not immediately subdued in my arms, so I start singing quietly to her. She calms down and falls asleep momentarily,

“I need you to get me all of her vital stuff. Birth certificate, clothing, etc. I need it in 10 minutes, and you’re going to drive me to the hotel “I tell Brendon, who nods and leaves. As soon as he does I leave Erebus’s study, not wanting to run into him.

– Thave to get the f**k out of here, as soon as possible.

I’d normally stay in a different hotel, but Damon will track me down in minutes. So I call the hotel and get my old suite back.

After doing so, I sit on the floor of the entrance hall, and rock my baby sister back and forward lightly, continuing to sing to her while wiping away my tears that won’t stop flowing.

Three sets of footsteps make their way towards me, and I don’t need to look up to know that my mates have caught up to me. completely ignore their presence, never ceasing to sing various songs from The Sound of Music.

“You have a beautiful voice” Christian complements, taking a seat besides me. The other two follow suit. I hold my finger up to my lips and shoot Christian a warning glare, to which he nods. Understanding that Meda needs to sleep.

After a few minutes, Brendon walks in-holding a backpack.

“Everything you’ll need for the night is in there. Ready to go?” He whispers. I nod, following him out to his car. My three mates follow, and I growl at them.


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