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Back and Better book novel Chapter 23

Chapter Twenty Three *First Scene”

Amira POV

“Do you know what a brat means among doms?” Christian asks. I look at him, wide eyed. I don’t really know anything about b**m.

He steps forward, kneeling down in front of me. I would never admit it, but the feeling of being trapped is a massive turn on.

“It’s defined as somebody who talks back to their Dom, but in this case it’s a naughty, naughty girl. A girl who likes to talk back. A girl who gets disciplined, and who’ll love it.”

I’m practically shaking with both excitement and anxiety. I haven’t gotten super kinky with any of the boys yet. Christian turns.

“I don’t think she’s ready to have us both at once.” He says, running his hand over my knee and starting to edge closer to the towel.

“Agreed. Do you want first or second?” Damon responds. While they’re negotiating, all I can feel is the sensation of Christian’s hand up and down my leg. Christian turns to me, staring into my eyes. “I’ll go first.” “Fine by me. Have fun” Damon says with a chuckle before walking out, leaving me with the big bad wolf. “Baby girl, you are as naughty as they come.” I bite my lip. I really don’t mind the idea of getting punished, and I trust Christian not to push me too far.

“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” I taunt, pulling confidence out of thin air. Christians eyes darken and he stands before ripping off my towel, causing me to gasp and move to cover my body.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t cover yourself. Show me what’s mine.” I blush, wanting to move my arms, but also feeling insecure. “Okay, little brat. If you won’t follow my order, I’ll do it for you.”

Christian slowly removes my hands from covering my body, and I don’t fight him. I want this. Want this more than anything.

“Before we proceed I’ll go over basic safe words. Now, the standard ones are green, yellow, and red. You are permitted to use the words at any time, though I will check in with you periodically. Green means good to go. It’s when you’re in a willing, comfortable, and happy place. Yellow is when we’re in edgy territory, and it’s kind of a caution for me to be careful. Red means full stop. As soon as you say this word all activity will cease until we thoroughly touch base and decide whether to keep going or end. Do you understand?”

I nod. “Words, baby.” “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Next, I’ll briefly discuss the structure of a scene with me. It normally starts out light. Kissing, light teasing … then we progress to the bondage side of things. Afterwords will come the warmup into a main activity. So if it’s discipline, a light spanking. Pleasure, a little bit of teasing. Then, main events. And once the scene is done, aftercare. This will encompass communication and meeting your needs. Scenes can be physically and psychologically exhausting, especially with experienced doms. Does this all make sense?”

I’m completely eager to jump in and see what this s*x god has planned for me. “Yes, sir.” “Good girl. If you obey, I reward. If you disobey, I punish. Clear?” I bite my lip. “Yes, sir.” I want to be punished, and rewarded. I want to experience it all. “Good. What’s your color, Amira?” He must be referring to safe words, making sure I’m okay before starting.


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