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Back and Better book novel Chapter 31

Chapter Thirty One

Amira POV I stare down at the note, a storm of emotions swirling within me. The Delta. Someone I hadn’t even heard of until a few days ago. The mythical nemesis of the Moon Goddess. I look around at all of the death, and have to force myself to stay professional. ‘Who are they?” “Lower ranking pack members. Mainly Omega’s,” Christian informs. “Families?” I question. “None.” I nod, before looking carefully at each face out of he dozen.

The Delta took the life of every single person here, unrepentantly. Which means he lacks the inner morality to care about others-all he cares about is his goal. But what is that goal?

He clearly stated that he needs me to be able to accomplish something. But what is it that he needs to accomplish?

“Baby, are you alright?” Erebus asks behind me.

I blink black tears, fighting the knowledge that a dozen people were killed over me. And The Delta won’t have a problem killing dozens more.

Unable to look at their faces, and not wanting anyone to have to clean up this gory scene, I set the body’s and the message on fire with a small swish of my wrist.

The Moon Goddess (Selene) POV He’s back. He’s truly and genuinely back.

I knew it would happen eventually, but there was no warnings that it would happen so unbearably soon. However, The Delta is back-and he wants what he’s always wanted.

Me. Before humans walked the earth, there were only Gods and Deity’s. We resided both on earth. It could almost be said that we were once like the humans, but with special gifts and powers. But, when humanity emerged, we all moved to respective heavens. Most Greek gods came together to create Mount

rule together. Christian angels and the Christian god moved to heaven itself- a kingdom in the sky.

I, however, broke off with my betrothed-Delta. I was barren, and our child would mark the beginning of a new species. A mixture between human and the most majestic animal. Creatures with just enough magic within them to make them exceptional, but not enough magic to make them god-like. Creatures that could choose what form they walked in.

I was beyond ecstatic with the pregnancy, and the fact that I would be mother of a species. I wanted to succeed.

I wanted my children to be successful. But Delta only wanted me. With time, he grew frustrated at my lack of attention towards him. He wanted me to himself.

He explained this to me on numerous occasions, however I had managed to make him see reason. Instilled excitement in him that he would be the father of a beautiful species. And he seemed open to reason.

Or so I had naïvely thought. I had ignored all of the warning signs. Overlooked everything that should have worried me. Thus, it took me by complete surprise when he drew a blade deep into my womb one night as I slept. He attempted to abort the child. Our child. Because I wasn’t giving him as much attention as he longed for. . properly wield. The consequence was a natures curse.

Chapter 31 1

Chapter 31 2


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