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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 

Wanda had done her research before deciding to start her own business

First, she posted on the Widetalk Community, asking what projects could make money quickly for college students who were starting a business

The Widetalk Community was a hidden gem, harboring elites from various fields

Ignoring some joking replies, she browsed through several serious responses and analyses of the commercial situation

One senior member replied that she should either venture into the internet industry or start a shortterm loan company for quick lending

She could also try stock trading and futures if she had the courage

ich Wanda had

dabbled in the stock market, she hadheard warnings about its risks, so she 

decided to give up on stock trading

After some screening, she set her sights on the internet and shortterm lending

After reading several articles about internet development trends, she suddenly had a bold idea. What if she could combine the internet with a loan company to find customers and lend money online

With this idea in mind, she contacted her cousin, who was studying finance at Sunnyside University. Her cousin was impressed by this idea and decided to return after graduation to join her

After that, Wanda came up with the name online lending

This secret was only known to her cousin, Christine, and Phoebe

Phoebe was her dorm mate and had become her confidante. Without her consent, she would never tell 

anyone else about it

Could it be Christine

But that didn’t seem right. The three of them had dinner together last night. After a few drinks, Christine 

even confessed that she used to have a crush on Carlisle, but she had completely given up

Plus, she hadn’t sent Carlisle a message on MSN messenger recently

Just then, she received another message from Carlisle. Wanda quickly checked her phone

Carlisle: I was just guessing!” 

After sending this message, Carlisle couldn’t calm down for a while

Carlisle had thought that only he could drive the times forward, but he hadn’t expected Wanda to also 

push forward an eradefining product because of his influence

Online lending was created in 2005 in Aviaria. The first domestic online lending company was established around 2007. Online lending really boomed after 2010

Chapter 177

In his past life, Carlisle had borrowed from many online lending platforms. At that time, there were countless online lending platforms available

While they were convenient, the interest rates were terrifyingly high. Some unethical online lending companies could cause harm to young people

For a moment, Carlisle even considered stopping Wanda from promoting online lending. But then she realized that even if he stopped Wanda, the online lending industry would still rise with the internet’s development

Instead of stopping her, it would be better to support her. She would grow this online lending company 

into a leader in the field and establish regulations for the online lending industry

Another message from Wanda came in

Wanda: You’re really amazing. Could it be that you’ve also had this kind of idea?” 

Wanda felt that Carlisle, who had transformed from a poor student to a top student and was admitted to 

Riverland University within a month, must have a very sharp mind


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