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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 

It had only been about a week since they started school. Was it just her, or had Carlisle gone from starting 

a business to turning a profit way too quickly

Carlisle: Quick, isn’t it?” 

Wanda: Yeah!” 

Carlisle: Do you like how fast I’m going?” 

Wanda: Sure do!” 

As Wanda finished typing her response, she suddenly looked up at Carlisle

Was he making sexual jokes

Queenie and her friends often joked around like this. Their words had another layer of meaning

Though Carlisle didn’t lift his head, Wanda could still see the mischievous grin playing at the corners of 

his mouth

Wanda’s cheeks flushed red, and she replied, Big dummy, you’re up to something!” 

Carlisle’s smile froze on his face as he glanced up at Wanda. Did she understand his teasing

Carlisle: What do you mean, up to something?” 

Wanda: Hmph, I’m not talking to you anymore!” 

Wanda snapped her phone shut and raised her fist in Carlisle’s direction

Sitting on the other side were several of her female classmates

Ruby tugged at the sleeve of a girl next to her and whispered, Tiffany, how did the task I asked you to do 


OhI’m sorry, I forgot!Tiffany Hall seemed afraid of Ruby and quickly apologized

Hmph, you really don’t take my words seriously at all!Ruby stared coldly at Tiffany

NNo, it’s not like that. II’ll go find him right away!Tiffany trembled all over as she said

Ruby withdrew her gaze and said softly, Calm yourself down first.” 

Tiffany took a deep breath. It took a while to suppress the fear in her heart

Seeing that Lawrence’s attention was on the students who were engaged in the games, she walked hesitantly toward Carlisle

At this moment, Carlisle was about to call Sean. He was about to press the dial button when a petite, pretty girl suddenly crouched before him and whispered, Carlisle can I get your MSN messenger ID?” 

Why do you need my MSN messenger ID?Carlisle looked at the girl in confusion. She seemed to be 

Chapter 178 

from Class 38

Tiffany blushed and said, II’m asking for my friend.” 

Who’s your friend? Is it a guy or a girl?” 

A girl, but I can’t tell you who she is right now.” 

But I don’t use MSN messenger.” 


Carlisle refused in an indifferent tone. Since they weren’t classmates, exchanging contact information. was unnecessary. What if Wanda got jealous

Tiffany’s eyes reddened. She was on the verge of crying. Carlisle, please help me. Just this once, please!” 


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