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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 


To Carlisle’s surprise, Tiffany didn’t return to her previous spot. Instead, she walked to the outskirts of the 

crowd and found a vacant space to sit down

Carlisle’s plan fell through, and he sighed to himself. Anyway, that person would message him on MSN messenger sooner or later, and he would eventually find out who she was

Carlisle tried calling Sean, but his phone was turned off, most likely due to military training

Wanda sent him another MSN messenger message

Wanda: What were you and Tiffany talking about?” 

Carlisle admitted truthfully, UmShe asked me for my MSN messenger ID.” 

Wanda and Tiffany were in the same class, so even if he didn’t say anything, Wanda would have definitely 

found out

Wanda: Did you give it to her?” 

Carlisle could sense Wanda’s slight anger even through the screen

Carlisle replied tentatively, Are you jealous?” 

Wanda: Not at all!” 

After sending this message, Wanda glanced at Tiffany

It had been five days since Tiffany was transferred to Class 3B. During these few days, she noticed Tiffany always stood by the window, lost in thought


Tiffany seemed a bit aloof, and most female classmates had distanced themselves from her

Why would such a withdrawn girl suddenly ask for Carlisle’s MSN messenger ID? Could she be forced to 

do so

Wanda quickly realized that Tiffany asking for Carlisle’s MSN messenger account was not her intention

At this moment, Carlisle sent a message to explain

Carlisle: The girl just now has been bullied before. She was probably doing it under duress. I’m worried she’ll be bullied if she doesn’t complete the task

Wanda: Mmhmm, I understand


sighed. The only bully in her class was Ruby. Could Ruby be behind this

Ruby was Yuriel’s daughter, Could Carlisle resist this temptation

No, she shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Carlisle was definitely not that kind of person

Chapte 179 

The students gathered around after school

Lawrence looked satisfied as he addressed the group, Time flies, and it’s already been a week. I’m surprised and pleased by everyone’s performance

Have a good rest this weekend because next week, we’ll have a twoday outdoor training!” 

A student asked, Mr. Hanson, where will the outdoor training take place?” 

Lawrence smirked mysteriously. Why the rush? You’ll find out when the time comes.” 

Another student asked, What do we need to prepare for it?” 

You don’t need to prepare anything. I’ve already prepared medical supplies out of my own pocket.” 

Medical supplies? Does that mean we might get hurt?A female student panicked

Lawrence smiled faintly. Preparing medical supplies is just a precaution for any accidents. Students, don’t worry about it.” 

The students started murmuring, expressing their distress

Oh no, he’s smiling. When he smiles, anything could happen.” 

We’re doomed; outdoor military training is definitely going to be tough.” 


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