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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 191


Chapter 191 

Sunny finally understood what was going on

It seemed Shania was interested in the properties Carlisle had. During their meeting for the transaction at Imperial Hotel, they were interrupted by Yuriel and the others from Evermore Properties. That was why Lethan felt so remorseful

Since it had nothing to do with him, he continued eating. After all, there was so much delicious food that shouldn’t go to waste

With that, Sunny sat back down and continued to enjoy his meal

Gusto, you too. Lethan gestured toward the door. Come in and have something to eat.” 

Seeing Lethan invite someone else to join them, Sunny hastened his eating

Gusto then entered and sat beside Lethan to dine

Carlisle, holding a glass of red wine, smirked eversoslightly. Mr. Warbane, is this your new driver?” 

Lethan nodded. With all the social engagements, it’s more convenient to have my own driver.” 

Carlisle’s lips curved in a halfjoking manner. You called him Gusto just now. He wouldn’t happen to be related to Yohann, would he?” 

With a clang. Gusto knocked over the glass in front of him

Please don’t joke around, Mr. Zahn. I have no connection with the Gust family whatsoever,he blurted 

out, chuckling nervously

Lethan nodded in agreement. He was introduced to me by a close friend I’ve known for years. He’s 

reliable, for sure.” 

After saying this, he lit a cigarette and continued, When you have time, I’ll introduce you to my buddy. He also enjoys connecting with young people.” 

Carlisle only took a sip of his wine. His eyes narrowed as he smiled

Lethan felt uneasy under Carlisle’s smiling gaze. His heart skipped a bear

Could something really be wrong with the new driver he hired? But that was impossible! His buddy was like a brother to him, and he was always there to help Lethan through tough times

Plus, his buddy had conflicts with Yuriel in the past; they couldn’t possibly be colluding

Then again, Carlisle’s intuition was usually spoton. It was as if Carlisle had a sixth sense. Should Lethan trust Carlisle’s instincts or the friend he had known for over a decade

After finishing his drink, Carlisle turned to Sunny and asked, Are you full yet?” 

Sunny burped and patted his round belly, expressing his satisfaction. I’m full!” 

Chapter 191 

Let’s head back, then.” 

Carlisle stood up from his chair and walked out without looking back

Seeing this, Sunny hurriedly got up 

I followed him

Mr. Warbane, you have to believe me.Gusto looked troubled. That dude is being too paranoid. He’s labeling everyone named Gust with the same brush.” 

I believe you,Lethan reassured with a slight smile and patted Gusto on his shoulder. You were introduced to me by a good friend. I wouldn’t disrespect him by doubting you.” 

Feeling grateful, the young man thanked Lethan. Thank you for trusting me, Mr. Warbane!” 

You go ahead and eat. I’ll go to the restroom,Lethan informed

Alright, Mr. Warbane.” 


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