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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 


Do you know who George S. Patton is? He had a badass nickname -Old Blood and Guts! Carlisle, from now on, please refer to me by my nickname, Owen Blood and Guts!” 

When there was no response, Owen asked, UmCarlisle?” 

Seeing Carlisle staring blankly at the tattoo on his arm, Owen thought Carlisle also liked the tattoo. He eagerly asked, The tattoo parlor is just around the corner. Do you want me to take you there?” 

Carlisle snapped out of his daze upon hearing that. He had an empty smile as he asked in return, Youdidn’t get a George S. Patton tattoo on your back too, did you?” 

Holy cow, how did you know?Owen asked, staring at Carlisle incredulously. He just got the tattoo yesterday. Also, Carlisle hadn’t been here for days

Cameron couldn’t have gone out of his way to do something so pointless like telling Carlisle that Owen 

got a George S. Patton tattoo on his back, could he

Owen took off his shirt and arched his back, boasting, Carlisle, look at this. Isn’t it badass?” 

Stunned, Carlisle stared at the fierce and imposing George S. Patton tattoo on Owen’s body

In Carlisle’s past life, Owen got the George S. Patton tattoo in Rainville

In this life, Owen got the George S. Patton tattoo in Riverland

What was even more absurd was that his words were exactly the same as back then

Why aren’t you saying anything, Carlisle? Are you impressed by my tattoo?” 

Owen put his shirt back on, smiling at Carlisle with satisfaction. He was pleased with Carlisle’s current


It seemed he made the right choice with the George S. Patton tattoo

Owen turned to the employees and said in an edgy manner, Tomorrow, all of you will get George S. 

Patton tattoos

From now on, everyone at Dragonaire Studio is a god of war. Our nicknames will end with Blood and Gutsfollowed by the last word of our names!” 

Haha! That makes me Tyrese Blood and Guts!” 

I’m Brian Blood and Guts!” 

And I’m Fern Blood and Guts!” 

The rest of the employees kept introducing themselves before Owen enthusiastically told Carlisle, Carlisle, from now on, you are Carlisle Blood and Guts,Crimson Carnage’s leader!” 

Carlisle frowned and angrily asked, Did I hire you to work or become a thug?” 

Chapter 192 


The fate trajectory from his past life once again fell upon Owen. Carlisle had to organize, or Owen might 

cause trouble later on

Startled by Carlisle’s outburst, Owen retorted with his head lowered, You even gave money to Heath to deal with the matters in the studio. I just want to synchronize with him and the others!” 

Carlisle coldly stated, I have my plans. If you work with me, you’ll definitely make a name for yourself in the future, provided you listen to me!” 

Owen pouted at those words. I’m still young. It feels like I’m in jail when I stay here all the time. I want to go with Heath!” 

At that, Carlisle slapped Owen across the face

You assholeOwen exploded in anger and grabbed a stool

Owen, don’t be impulsive!” 



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