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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 

Of course not! Have a seat anywhere, Jean.” 

The two of them chatted for a while. Perhaps Jean was feeling a bit tired, she yawned and said, I have to 

go to sleep, Carl. Do you want to come to my place for a while?” 

Carlisle complained with his lips pursed, I’m afraid I won’t even have my bones left if I go!” 

You brat,Jean scolded out of embarrassman 

What do you take me for?” 

Although she usually liked to flirt with young men, she had never thought deeply about it. She only 

enjoyed seeing the blush on their faces

Everyone had some kind of special preferences. Men like their women young, so what was wrong with her liking freshfaced men

Carlisle apologized sheepishly, Alright, alright. My bad.” 

Hmph, I’ll forgive you this time. I’ll castrate you the next time you get strange thoughts!” 

Jean snorted and then left, swaying her hips like a belly dancer

Carlisle merely wore a wry smile as he downed his cup of tea

Suddenly, Sunny stood up excitedly from his chair and loudly informed, Boss, we’ve got an important 

client who wants to contract all of our Legendary equipment!” 

Hearing that, Carlisle raised an eyebrow, got up, and walked over to Sunny

The computer screen displayed the chat history between Sunny and the client

The client was very straightforward, promising to take all the mission materials and equipment above 

Rank Ten

However, seeing the client’s name on the screen gave Carlisle a headache

It was Chaos Hero

Wasn’t this Zachary, who Carlisle defeated and won the Heavenly Sword from

I wonder if this client is legit or not. I wouldn’t want him to stand me up!” 

Sunny stuffed a cigarette into his mouth and lit it. He had just learned to smoke these past few days. He felt a bit out of place whenever he chatted with the boys without smoking

Carlisle rubbed his chin, smiling. We can trust this client. However, you can’t let them know who we are.” 

Sunny looked puzzled upon hearing those words. “Why not? What if he wants to check our studio’s qualifications?” 

Carlisle showed a faint smile. If he doesn’t trust us, he can buy what he wants elsewhere. We’ll never lack clients; we just need to find them slowly.” 

Chapter 194 

I see!Sunny nodded in understanding. We have the final say!” 

Carlisle only nodded in agreement. He didn’t tell Sunny about his conflict with this big client

Sunny then returned to her seat and continued communicating with the client

Meanwhile, Carlisle went to the second and third floors for a walk

Since the Mystical Journey and God of Doom 2 leveling accounts were almost done, they would start making profits next week

Around midnight, Carlisle went to sleep in the bedroom on the third floor


The next day at 9:00 am, Carlisle was awakened from his dream of kissing Wanda by the ringing of his 


Ah, fuck” 

As Carlisle picked up his phone in frustration, he found it was a call from Logan

Mr. Zahn, did I disturb your rest?” 


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