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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 

Carlisle’s beautiful dream shattered once again

Which idiot is disturbing my beautiful dream this time?” 

He clenched his fists and pounded the bed twice, cursing himself for forgetting to enable silent mode on 

his phone

Next weekend, he resolved to activate silent mode before going to sleep

Picking up his phone, he saw that the caller ID read Mother Dearest

Carlisle felt a pang of frustration as he reluctantly answered the phone

MomWhy are you calling so early?” 

You brat, what time is it? Are you still not up?Hilda’s scolding came through the phone. However, Carlisle could hear a hint of joy in her voice

Curious, he asked, Did something good happen? You sound happy.” 

Hilda joyfully exclaimed, Yes, there is good news! Your father and I have been requested to work at 

Sentaur Molding Factory!” 

Sentaur Molding Factory was one of the top companies in Rainville

While other small factories only paid 400 to 500, Sentaur Molding Factory paid over 900 dollars a month, with the possibility of earning more through overtime

Getting a job at Sentaur Molding Factory would elevate the Zahn couple’s status in the village

Carlisle suddenly sat up in bed, his tone serious as he declared, Mom, please don’t work at Sentaur Molding Factory” 

Yuriel mentioned last night that if Carlisle agreed to cooperate with him, he would help Carlisle’s parents. get management positions at Sentaur Molding Factory

-Carlisle thought that it was all talk. He didn’t expect Yuriel to actually do it

If Hilda and Gordon worked at Sentaur Molding Factory, Yuriel would have control over Carlisle. And when Carlisle’s mobile phone company took off, who knew what Yuriel might have in mind

Hilda retorted impatiently, You brat, are you still half asleep? Do you even know how much the normal 

workers at Sentaur make

Hayley made 985 dollars last month, and her husband made 12 hundred dollars. They want us to take management positions, with a guaranteed minimum of 16 hundred a month!” 

Carlisle didn’t know how he should feel about this

Mom,he sighed, have you wondered why Sentaur is offering you such a high salary?” 

Chiscent 195 

Hilda replied, Of course, we’ve thought about it. Your father used to work at the water plant and had a good relationship with one of the department heads. Your father thinks it’s probably that department head who helped us out.” 

Carlisle’s lips twitched slightly as he asked, Is Dad beside you?” 

He’s here!” 

Please give him the phone,Carlisle said, thinking it would be better to talk to Gordon

Carlisle knew who that department head was

Back in middle school, Gordon had taken the department head, Shawn Jill, to dinner. Gordon also brought 

Carlisle with him back then

At the dinner, there were also workers from the water plant. They made Gordon imitate a pig when they 

got drunk

At that time, Carlisle thought it was just a game among adults. It was only later when he grew up that he 

realized they were actually bullying his father

Hey, Carl!Gordon’s voice was loud and filled with joy


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