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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 

You definitely can!Carlisle said while calmly filling Lethan’s cup with more coffee

When the cup was 70% full, Lethan slammed a hand on the table and continued to ask, How much can l earn from your mobile phone factory?” 

While pouring more coffee for himself, Carlisle shook his head and replied, I’m not sure. But it shouldn’t be too little.” 

Phone manufacturers had just started operating. He hesitated to sound too optimistic

If he were to voice out his estimated profits, it would only shatter Lethan’s view of the world

Lethan licked his lips and tentatively suggested, Why don’t I invest in your phone manufacturer? It’s too risky to invest in the fishing industry. If you make a wrong prediction, we could lose everything!” 

With a composed demeanor, Carlisle said, I want to fund the phone manufacturer solely. But you must invest in Holly Fisheries. Firstly, you can earn money. Secondly, you can recuperate your economic losses in Cascade State!” 

Lethan sighed

If what you’ve said is true, wouldn’t we be profiting from a national disaster?” 

The citizens would suffer from hunger and cold while he would become wealthy from stockpiling fish

Carlisle’s mouth twitched

Even if this counts as profiting off a national disaster, someone still has to benefit from it!” 

No one

would believe such an unfounded prediction. Yet, Carlisle could not reveal his identity as someone who was reborn from another life. If he did, he might be sent to a psychiatric facility

From another perspective, the fish he stockpiled would be sold at market rate. As long as the prices were not outrageous, no one would care that he was earning money off a national disaster

Alright, I’ll do it! Let me go back and discuss this with Shania first. I’m not even sure if I can convince her.” 

Lethan stood up with his wallet in his hand

Carlisle stood up as well

I’ll see you off.” 

The two of them walked downstairs. Then, Lethan got into the car

Carlisle asked with a smile, Where’s your new driver?” 

Lethan replied evenly, Didn’t you say something was wrong with him? I already fired him,” 

It was merely a guess. I can’t be certain whether it’s true.” 

I believe you.” 

Lethan put on his sunglasses. Then, he started his car and drove away

Carlisle watched the car disappear into the distance with a smile

He thought it was worth getting to know Lethan on a deeper level. After all, Lethan trusted Carlisle completely to enter into business endeavors with him

Lethan may 

in may have doubted Carlisle initially, but it was an expected response from an ordinary person

Carlisle headed to the bank and transferred a hundred thousand dollars to Gordon. In 2004, a hundred thousand dollars was already considered a lot. In fact, that money could be used to buy a secondhand 

house in Rainville

However, Gordon and Hilda were honest people. If Carlisle transferred too much, they might start 


Carlisle exited the bank and sent Gordon a message

Dad, the money I transferred is for the household expenses. Eat and drink whatever you like. You can even go on a vacation. Don’t think about saving money. In the future, I will transfer the same amount to you monthly.” 

After sending the message, Carlisle hailed a taxi at the side of the road


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