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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

Shania immediately said, Of course. The division of shares among us will be done based on the share of 


The principle is that the higher the risk, the higher the return. Whoever invested more would face a higher 

risk. Naturally, these investors would receive more shares

Lethan, are you worried that it would be unfair to Carlisle ?Nathan asked casually, having noticed his 


Lethan nodded

Although Carlisle only invested a hundred million, he was the one who brought the news to us. We can’t 

just give him ten percent of the shares, right?” 

After pondering momentarily, Nathan responded, Then, why don’t we each give him 30% of our own 


Lethan turned to gaze at Shania, clearly in agreement with Nathan’s suggestion

She smiled and said, If Nate doesn’t even mind, I definitely don’t either!” 

Seeing the three of them were in agreement, Lethan enthusiastically said, That’s decided then, Come to 

lunch at noon tomorrow. I’ll invite Carlisle over as well. We can have a meeting at the same time!” 

It was the weekend, coinciding with Starlight Disco’s grand opening. Drinks were served at a discount

resulting in a bustling business

Office workers and students alike danced along to the beat of the DJ on the dance floor

The soundproofing system was done very well in the office. At the moment, Heath sat on the office chair 

while smoking

His sharp gaze pierced through the cigarette smoke. He stared at the fat guy who lay horizontally across 

the floor in front of him

The fat guy was shirtless and had a pair of crossed axes tattooed on his back. Both his hands were tied 

behind his back, and he had packing tape across his mouth 

Benjamin stood expressionlessly by the door with crossed arms

He stared at the fat guy with an icy gaze as he said, Still not spilling the beans?” 

The big man cried while shaking his head

On the side, Benjamin picked up a baseball bat and swung it downward. Immediately, he began raining. blows

The chubby guy curled into a ball in the struggle while shaking his head repeatedly

Heath slammed a hand on the table

Ben, stop hitting him!” 

Panting heavily, Benjamin replied, This Idiot is being stubborn. He won’t say anything if I don’t beat him into submission!” 

Heath narrowed his eyes and said darkly, Rip off the tape on his mouth!” 

Benjamin was momentarily startled. Then, he kneeled by the man to rip off the tape

The fat guy sobbed while saying, I’ll talk. I’ll tell you everything. Last night, that brat had too much to drink and fought with my little brother

That time, I also had a lot to drink. II lost control and went too far. He stopped moving. So, I threw him into the basement!” 

Fuck. He’s our boss friend. Yet you dared to lay such a heavy hand on him.” 

Benjamin kicked the fat guy in the stomach a few more times.. 

The man yelled in terror, Stop hitting me! Don’t hit me anymore! I’ve truly never seen him before. I had no idea he was related to all of you!” 

Ben, stop hitting him. We have to find Owie first!” 

Heath stubbed out the halffinished cigarette on the ashtray and exited the office

Benjamin yelled at the fat guy, Quick! Take us to your lousy ice rink!” 

As Heath emerged from the office, over 40 to 50 people rushed over from both sides of the disco

Heath turned to a muscular man in a tightfitting top on his left

He lowered his voice and instructed, Go mess up Fabian’s place today. Tell everyone to bring their gear!” 


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