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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 

Can you two still get a loan?Nathan inquired

Lethan and Shania shook their heads at the same time. Their debts at the bank had been capped for

long time. The only way was to seek out a loan shark

But no one was willing to go that far unless absolutely necessary

Don’t you have a good buddy who sells shoes? Convince him to invest two hundred million!Shania suggested upon recalling that Lethan had a good friend

We just had a falling out.” 

Lethan sighed, looking unhappy. 

He had called his friend to confront him the day before, thinking he would defend himself

He never expected his friend to admit that he had cooperated with Yuriel. In fact, he even admitted that 

the driver was related to the Gust family

Was ten years of your friendship all for nothing then

Shania used a fork to spear a precut piece of mango from the fruit plate, stuffing it in her mouth to chew. She looked hopefully at Lethan, waiting for him to continue his story

Lethan sighed again before explaining the entire incident

A realization dawned on Shania as she listened to Lethan’s story

She said, No wonder Yuriel came over when we reached the hotel yesterday!” 

Perhaps this was why Josie was unwilling to associate herself with Lethan. On the other hand, Lethan was too honest and could be pretty stubborn sometimes

Without Carlisle’s reminder, Lethan would be spied on again

At the same time, Shania became more impressed with Carlisle. Even she and Lethan did not realize anything was amiss

Yet Carlisle was able to sense the driver was a suspicious man. His skills in observing people were 

surprisingly strong

Shall we ask Lyrene to lend us some?Lethan asked Shania with a smile

After their father, Wallace Warbane, died, Lyrene took charge of the family

Last year, Lyrene was one of Riverland’s top ten wealthiest people with 650 million worth of assets

No. Lyrene’s money was for Shein to deal with Yuriel. She even hesitated so long before giving me a hundred million!Shania said without hesitation, shaking her head

Lethan smiled helplessly. Then, we’ll have to think of another idea!” 

Chapter 203 


Shania turned to look at Nathan. Nate, do you have any other rich friends?” 

Nathan shook his head. I know many millionaires. But you’re the only one with over a hundred million in assets. Anyway, those old men would never believe in this matter!” 

After some hesitation, Shania said through gritted teeth, Why don’t I sell Riverwatch Hotel

How could you do that?Lethan immediately objected

Riverwatch Hotel was your leverage to secure more development shares in Riverwatch District. Without the development rights to Riverwatch Hotel, you will face huge losses.” 


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