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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 


Carlisle wondered how he had never heard of a remarkable alternative medicine physician, having lived in 

Franklin Complex for so long

Rowan said, Sawyer Hughes is an informal physician. He doesn’t have a pharmacy or a clinic, but his 

prescriptions, combined with his acupuncture therapy, are very effective for posttreatment of intracranial 


Thank you, Dr. Lowe!” 

This stays between us. Don’t spread it around.” 

Rowan’s voice was low and serious as he warned Carlisle

Absolutely. No one else will know,Carlisle made a solemn promise

Even though he knew that stepping into another field came with its challenges, he knew hospitals had 

their own rules and politics

He remembered a documentary from his past life about a doctor who performed ultrasounds but had 

crossed a line at the hospital. This led to the doctor being ostracized and having to work in the hallway 

for over 900 days

So, may I take Heath now?” 

Carlisle wanted to get Heath to Sawyer as soon as possible for treatment

Rowan shook his head

Not yet. Heath is still in critical condition. He needs to be monitored for at least three more days. If his vital signs stabilize during that time, he can be moved to a regular room. Only then may you take him.” 

Carlisle subtly inquired, What about the police? Will they allow me to take him

Rowan smiled and said, Don’t worry about that. If you choose to discharge Heath against medical advice and sign the paperwork, we will issue the necessary documentation. Given his current condition, the authorities will allow the family to take him home for care.” 

Perhaps sensing he might have shared too much information, Rowan took a sip of coffee and continued, Other patients are waiting. You should leave now.” 

Carlisle pulled out ten thousand dollars in cash from his pockets and smiled

Dr. Lowe, this is a small token of my appreciation.” 

Navigating human relations was a skill Carlisle had mastered, Rowan had done a lot for him, and offering a token of gratitude felt appropriate

What are you doing?” 

Rowan’s expression darkened with displeasure

Hospitals have strict policies against bribery. You’re putting me in a difficult position!” 

Carlisle looked around and noticed the surveillance cameras, realizing his mistake. He chuckled 


Sorry, my mistake.” 

Rowan waved a dismissive hand

Just head out.” 

Carlisle left the office

The surveillance cameras didn’t have audio recording capabilities at that time, so Rowan felt comfortable

saying that much

But everything could have been exposed if he had taken Carlisle’s money

Carlisle still needed to get the money to Rowan, but he’d have to find a more discreet way

Carlisle left the hospital alongside Owen and Benjamin. Sorrow and anger were reflected in their 

bloodshot eyes

Benjamin gritted his teeth and said, Damn it. I’m going to find a way to kill those bastards who did this!” 

Carlisle glanced at Benjamin and said, They’re all locked up. Are you planning to go to jail just to kill 


Benjamin then said, Then I’ll take out Titan!” 

Carlisle’s voice turned cold


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