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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 335

Chapter 335 

Carlisle reiterated his point, ensuring Benjamin understood the gravity of his words

Benjamin looked at Carlisle with admiration and nodded earnestly

I’ll keep that in mind!” 

Carlisle leaned back in his seat, pulling out his phone to call Gordon

As he dialed, he said to Benjamin, Alright. You should get going

Sure thing, Carlisle!” 

Benjamin opened the car door and stepped out just as Gordon picked up the call

Hey, son! What made you think of calling me?” 

Gordon’s voice came through

Carlisle smiled

I just wanted to check in on you guys

Gordon’s mood lifted even more, and he laughed heartily

You’re getting better with your words, I see. How’s school going?” 

I just finished up military training.” 

And how’s your game studio? Keeping you busy?” 

Being the boss has its perks. How about you and Mom? Are you keeping yourselves entertained?” 

Your mom and I opened a convenience store. We even sell breakfast in the mornings.” 

Why bother with breakfast too? Isn’t running the store enough work?” 

Carlisle’s tone was filled with concern

He knew how early breakfast vendors had to start their day, often rising around 5:00 am to prepare for the morning rush of students and workers

Gordon and Hilda had spent their lives working hard. Now that Carlisle was established, he yearned for them to enjoy their golden years

Gordon chuckled

We’re still young, not some 70 or 80yearold fogeys. This little bit of work is easy and gives us freedom. We don’t have to answer to anyone, and it’s quite enjoyable

Carlisle wasn’t giving up

No more breakfast duty. Stop it, or I’m coming back there and flipping that stand myself. And hire 


Chapter 335 

Chapter 335 

Carlisle reiterated his point, ensuring Benjamin understood the gravity of his words

Benjamin looked at Carlisle with admiration and nodded earnestly

I’ll keep that in mind!” 

Carlisle leaned back in his seat, pulling out his phone to call Gordon

As he dialed, he said to Benjamin, Alright. You should get going.” 

Sure thing, Carlisle!” 

Benjamin opened the car door and stepped out just as Gordon picked up the call

Hey, son! What made you think of calling me?” 

Gordon’s voice came through

Carlisle smiled

I just wanted to check in on you guys.” 

Gordon’s mood lifted even more, and he laughed heartily

You’re getting better with your words, I see. How’s school going?” 

I just finished up military training

And how’s your game studio? Keeping you busy?” 

Being the boss has its perks. How about you and Mom? Are you keeping yourselves entertained?” 

Your mom and I opened a convenience store. We even sell breakfast in the mornings.” 

Why bother with breakfast too? Isn’t running the store enough work?” 

Carlisle’s tone was filled with concern

He knew how early breakfast vendors had to start their day, often rising around 5:00 am to prepare for the morning rush of students and workers

Gordon and Hilda had spent their lives working hard. Now that Carlisle was established, he yearned for them to enjoy their golden years

Gordon chuckled

We’re still young, not some 70 or 80yearold fogeys. This little bit of work is easy and gives us freedom. We don’t have to answer to anyone, and it’s quite enjoyable!” 

Carlisle wasn’t giving up

No more breakfast duty. Stop it, or I’m coming back there and flipping that stand myself. And hire 

Chapter 335 

someone to help out at the store too.” 

Gordon laughed

Alright, alright. Like you said, we’ll stop selling breakfast in a few days!” 

Dad, is there a man named Sawyer Hughes who practices alternative medicine in our neighborhood?” 

Sawyer? I think I’ve heard of him. He’s studied alternative medicine for a few years, but I’ve never seen 

him treat anyone.” 

Is he still at Franklin Complex?” 

Yeah, he’s the old man working as the security guard.” 

Carlisle was speechless

He couldn’t believe a man seemingly respected by someone like Rowan was relegated to being a security guard in a rundown complex

Gordon grew concerned

Why are you asking? Are you sick?” 

Carlisle explained, A friend of mine is in a bad way. I was hoping Mr. Hughes could offer some 

alternative treatment.” 


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