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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

Quinn’s face was drained of color

Questions flooded her mind. How could this happen? Where did Lethan get these photos

She was so close to taking the final step and officially becoming the finance manager. That was all she needed to finalize her plan

However, at the most crucial moment, everything fell apart

She wondered why Lethan had hired a private investigator if he had complete confidence in her

Quinn, don’t you want to explain yourself?Lethan asked with a volce full of pain

Quinn cried, tears streaming down her face. HoneyTheseThese photos are fakeThey’re 

photoshopped. You have to find the person who’s framing me!” 

Mrs. Quinn is right. These photos are all fake. Boss, I’ve been with you for six years. I would never do that with Mrs. Quinn. You have to believe me!John pleaded, his voice shaking

So you’re aware you’ve been working for me for six years

Lethan walked over to John. His eyes were no longer gentle but filled with icy coldness. His years in power made it impossible for John to look him in the face

Look at me,Lethan ordered coldly

John immediately raised his head to meet Lethan’s gaze. He felt his defenses crumble

BossThis is all my fault!John fell to his knees and slapped himself in the face

Quinn stumbled backward as she realized it was all over. All her plans were ruined

Do you have anything to say, Quinn?Lethan closed his eyes

Quinn took a deep breath and said, At this point, I have nothing else to say.” 

Lethan chuckled bitterly

As he turned to his desk, John’s eyes flashed with a hint of madness. He reached behind him and drew a dagger, lunging at Lethan 

Lethan saw John’s movement through his glasses and dodged the attack just in time

Lethan looked at the dagger in John’s hand in disbelief. John, are you trying to kill me?” 

You brought this on yourself!John’s eyes glowed with madness as he lunged at him again

SecuritySecurity!Lethan chouted as he dodged John’s attacks

Quinn watched helplessly

John was fit, so Lethan was no match for him. After a brief struggle, Lethan ended up with several cuts on 

Chapter 93 

his arms

Fortunately, security arrived in time to save Lethan’s life

Outside the company, a white Audi slowly came to a stop

Shein and Wanda got out of the car. Zachary followed suit with his hands in his pockets and a blank expression

Zac, did you and Queenie have a fight?Wanda asked cautiously


Then why the long face?” Wanda was confused

Zachary was usually a cheerful person, but today, he was unusually glum


Zachary sighed. Well, I got into a fight last night and lost almost 200 grand worth of equipment. Can you blame me for being down?” 


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