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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

Carlisle woke up sneezing. He rubbed his nose and muttered, Wanda must be thinking about me!” 

As if on cue, his phone rang. He was sure it was Wanda calling him

Carlisle excitedly picked up the phone, but his smile froze when he saw it was from a familiar, nameless contact

It was Sarah calling. Carlisle answered indifferently, What is it?” 

CarlisleI’ve made my decision.” 

What have you decided?Carlisle was confused. He wondered what Sarah was up to now

Sarah gathered all her courage and said, I want to have a relationship with you. I want to be your girlfriend!” 

After observing Kelvin for the past two days, she concluded that Kelvin had no redeeming qualities other than having a father who made a hundred thousand dollars a year

Kelvin wouldn’t spoil her with treats every day like Carlisle did, nor would he text her regularly to check on her

Most importantly, Kelvin’s looks couldn’t compete with Carlisle’s. Her roommate even asked why someone as beautiful as her would go out with Kelvin 

In high school, Carlisle chasing her made her the envy of all the girls in school. Sarah missed those days terribly

Last night, she had a hearttoheart with Sienna. Sienna agreed that Sarah should be with Carlisle

So today, she worked up the courage to tell Carlisle

Carlisle was stunned, but then he chuckled. Sarah, have you lost your mind? You should call your therapist!” 

CarlisleYouSarah’s eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that such cold and heartless 

words came from Carlisle

I already have someone I like, so please don’t bother me again.With that, Carlisle hung up

Sarah was with Sienna at a nearby cafe. She immediately burst into tears. Sienna, Carlisle has changed. He doesn’t like me anymore. What am I going to do?” 

I think he’s just testing you. After all, you hurt him before. Think about it. If he didn’t care about you, why wouldn’t he block you on MSN?Sienna held Sarah’s hand and comforted her

Sarah thought for a moment and found Sienna’s words reasonable. What am I supposed to do next? I’ve 

never chased a guy before!” 

Treat him like how he treated you before!Sienna sipped her coffee and smiled

Chapter 95 


Sarah recalled Carlisle’s humble attitude and frowned. I don’t want to be that modest!” 

“Then I can’t help you. I’ve never been in a relationship before, and I wouldn’t stoop that low. Love shouldn’t come through humility!” 

Sarah bit her lip as tears welled up in her eyes. They could fall at any moment

Sienna sighed under her breath. Maybe you should just give up on him. With your looks, you can get any 

man you want.” 

Other people want me for my looks. I’ve just realized that only Carlisle cares about me,Sarah said after shaking her head

Some time ago, Kevin had taken her to a hotel

He wanted to spend the night with her. Even a fool could see what he was after

Sienna looked at Sarah with a complicated look on her face. She found her friend increasingly hard to 


WowWhat kind of car is that? It’s so beautiful!” 

A couple of girls at the next table suddenly looked out the window

Sienna and Sarah were also drawn to look

There was a convertible sports car parked on the side of the road below

A welldressed senior gave them a disdainful look. What a bunch of uncultured people. They don’t even recognize a Porsche!” 


I’ve never heard of it. Have you?” 

Me neither. I only know BMW, Mercedes, and Audi!a couple of the girls whispered to each other

Sienna whispered to Sarah, Have you ever heard of Poe?” 

Sarah shook her head in confusion. Her family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t wealthy either. Her dad’s car was a 20 thousand dollar used Suzuki Alto

The senior student nonchalantly remarked, The price of this Porsche Carrera is 2.8 million dollars!Whoa” 

Chapter 96 

The surrounding students exclaimed in amazement

Many of them pulled out their cell phones to take pictures

Oh my God, a car that costs 2.8 million? Is there really a car that is that expensive in the world?” 

Sienna’s eyes almost popped out of her head. The price of the car completely overturned her worldview

Sarah looked at the luxury car with fiery eyes and clenched her fists. Enna, I’ve found a criteria for my future boyfriend!” 

Have you given up on Carlisle?

Could Carlisle ever make enough money in his lifetime to afford this car?” 


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