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Beastly novel Chapter 61

"Have you ever thought about it?"

The hand stroking her back paused its motion and she lifted her eyes to look at him.

"What?" he asked her, sounding puzzled.

"About what our lives would be like together." she answered, her eyebrows knitting together "You haven't?"

He chuckled before kissing the crease that had formed from her deep frowning "Of course I have."


"Yes. In my imagination, I've created a little girl that looks just like you, with the most gorgeous silver hair."

She giggled softly as she rolled her eyes.

"I haven't even thought as far as children!"

"You asked me a question. I'm simply answering you." he held onto her tighter and she felt his heartbeat pick up, "Do you want that with me?"

"I do." she replied, nuzzling her head into his shoulder "I want everything with you."

"No matter how many lifetimes it takes us?"

She understood why he asked that. Nothing for them was guaranteed simply because they were different from everyone else. It was more painful than beautiful. Despite this, she would hold on for as long as he let her. She raised her hands to cup his face and gave him a gentle kiss, a silent affirmation before she spoke again.

"No matter how many lifetimes it takes us."


By the time the night was over, her family went off to the homes that had been set up for them, with a promise of having more time to hang out the next day. Ava felt the exhaustion settle on her shoulders as she rested against the counter, her body aching more than usual. She had just woken up a while ago and had gone into the kitchen to get a glass of water for her parched throat. She doubted she had slept for up to 10 minutes and felt warm all over. Her eyes had flown open the moment she had uttered those words in her dream.

All through the remainder of the day and even now, she felt the little thump in her abdomen. It didn't exactly scare her, but she wondered why it had taken so long for her to feel it again. Marcus was the only one she could ask about this and she promised herself that she would do it tomorrow, while they trained together.

Everyone had a changed life now. It annoyed her how it was because of her and because of that, she made sure not to tell them more about her role in ensuring that things didn't fall into ruin. It was too soon to rope them in. They were here and they were safe, that's all that mattered. After everything was over, would they get the lives they had abandoned bacK? Would Freddie & Donovan get back to working in their big tech companies? Would Maria and Ben have a peaceful life back in Lansing? Would Astelle keep pursuing her passion in healthcare like spoke about? Would Cassie open her school back up? And Smith? His family was probably worried sick about him.

Ava wondered how people were fairing with all these key people gone from where they usually were and with a feeling of heavy guilt, groaned as she pushed her hands into her hair.

"Tired?" Gladys' presence appeared beside her and she sighed in response, turning to the smiling older woman "You should go to bed."

"I wish I could, but my mind is running a mile a second right now." she answered, "Is he back yet?"

"Not yet. He should be back soon since it's been a while." Ava hummed. Xander had left earlier because of a sudden call from the eastern border and had commanded some of the warriors to make sure that her family were taken to the homes that had been set up for them. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." her curiosity quipped as she saw the slightly nervous look on Gladys' face "Is there something wrong?"

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable. I just..." she paused, her cheeks heating up, "I'm just curious about your history with Alpha Xander."

"My history with Alexander?"

"I-It's not like I want to be nosey! I became so curious when I heard you and your family speaking. Although I knew that he didn't treat you good at some point, I've always been curious of how bad it was but I didn't think your history with him mattered much, but now I want to know." Ava's eyes widened slightly at the sincerity in Gladys' eyes "Please tell me if you can."

Her history with the beast of a man. Now, where would she start from? It wasn't often that people asked her about her past with him and it never ended with her explaining a thing, but that was because of the anxiety that accompanied her.

Gladys held a fearful expression so Ava smiled brightly, to put her more at ease.

"He wasn't always the sweetest person." she started, sighing heavily, "I don't feel good about discussing my personal struggles and what he's done, especially with someone that's very devoted to him. He's your hero."

"I'm not that blind that I can't see the writings on the wall. There are more than a few reasons why he's feared by everyone."

"For good reason. I left the pack because, for 10 years of my life, I went through severe abuse; emotionally, psychologically and physically, mostly at the hands of the man everyone seems to ship me with." she smiled at the irony of it, "Although I'm not playing house with him, I'm letting him into my personal space. My therapist would laugh at that."

She drank the last of the water in her glass, dropping it softly back on the counter.

"I ran away on the day I found out he was my mate. Frankly, back then, I thought I'd have died if I stayed, but I believed running away was better than staying even if it killed me. That's probably why most people here can't look me in the eyes."

"I..." Gladys choked up, her eyes watering "I'm so sorry."

"Please don't cry. I'm okay now and that's all that matters." she said, still smiling "I'm going off for the night. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight dear. Please rest well."

She pulled back and set her mind on taking a hot shower. During the time she had spent with everyone, she kept picking up the distinct smell of blood from Donovan, but when she had taken a good look at him, she saw that he didn't have any cuts or bruises. Then she had ignored it, but now as she stripped off her clothes in her room, she wondered more about the things that had happened between Donovan & Xander.

Keira was calmer now. She had been bouncing around and had constantly switched reins with her to converse with everyone. It must have gotten tiring since it had been so long since they did it that much.

The warm water felt like it soaked through her skin, relieving her aching muscles as she closed her eyes in contentment. She sunk deeper and deeper into her thoughts, completely drowning out the sound of the rushing water.

When her eyes opened again, she was surrounded by dark water and rapidly sat up, realizing that she was sinking. Her confused eyes frantically swept across the scenery and she cursed under her breath.

Above her were clear blue skies and her lower body was submerged in the blue water below. How the hell did she end up here? At this point, there really was no catching a break for her. She looked down at her bare body and sighed heavily. What the hell was this even? One moment, she was enjoying her shower and now she was here. This was the second time she had been pulled into this place unexpectedly and she was very sure no matter how many more times it happened, she would never get used to it.

Her eyes raised again, expecting to meet the sky, but her vision was blocked by the reflection of deep green. She recoiled in surprise, shifting back and stumbling out of the water to create distance.

A beautiful woman stared back at her, donning a beautiful bright smile.

Her hair was white as snow.

Her eyes were the same shade of green as hers.

Her long red gown flowed behind her in waves.

And her skin looked like it had bathed in the radiance of the sunlight so much she could rival it.

The woman from the garden. The woman whose body she had lived in in her dreams.

There was no mistaking. Ava had seen her far too much to not be able to recognize her. Her body levitated about two feet above the water and if anything, Ava saw the woman as god-like. Yet, it was almost as if she was staring at herself. At a version that wasn't quite comprehendible given just who she was and how she looked.

"Ki kunem dio cuta ku." the woman said and although the words out of her mouth sounded like jibberish, Ava heard the translation loud and clear in her brain

I have been waiting for you.

"Um.." Ava began, hesitant, "I'm sorry, but I'm not quite comfortable having this conversation with you while I'm stark naked. I was in a shower and I've had a long day so I'd like to go home now. Maybe we could pick this up another day"

"Xim?" she asked, tilting her head and levitating closer to Ava. The closer she got, the more inches Ava tried to put between them


"Yes, home." her hair was drenched and stuck to her body and although there was no wind, she still felt very uncomfortable being naked in front of someone else "How can I understand what you're saying?"

"Riq uina, ju anem oyi." her brows seemed to furrow as she finally settled her feet on the water, standing at the same height as Ava "Ki podo ku fukna."

Simply put, we are one. I told you before.

Curiosity weighed on Ava's conscience and battled with getting away and finding out who this woman in front of her was. Nobody would be able to answer her questions and now she was faced with the woman that lived in her dreams. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Forgetting to cover the parts of her that were exposed, she pushed her two hands in her hair, staring at her reflection that waited patiently.

"I really can't catch a break, can I?" she grunted, "Can you speak English? It's kind of freaky hearing you speak and hearing something else in my head."

There was a look of shock on the woman's face, before she giggled softly and nodded her head. She took a deep breath and pushed her white hair behind her shoulders.

Chapter 61 1


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