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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 183


Chapter 183 

Never in million years that Lilac would have thought that she would encounter him here. More so, how could he be here? There was no way it was possible, right? Or maybe her eyes just played with her

However, there he was, talking with her as if that was the most common thing to do

Lilac, I missed you. I missed you so bad,Aiden said. He stared at Lilac with longing in his eyes. You have never given me a chance to tell you how much I regretted what I have done to you, what I have done to us. You never gave me that chance. I know you are hurt. I know how much I hurt you. But, we meant to be together. We are 

destined mate for a reason.” 

Lilac looked around, she wished she could catch anyone. Raya said she would be back in a minute, but where 

she was right now

Why she was not back yet

Lilac tried to remember all of her training, but she couldn’t recall anything due to her anxiety. There was something off about Aiden that she couldn’t point it out. He looked crazy. His gaze filled with insanity. The way he looked at her was something that could give you chill down your spine

She wanted to leave this place, but Aiden had grabbed her elbow and made her stayed. His touch was very repulsive and when his scent hit her senses, Lilac felt like she wanted to vomit

Stay away from me or else Hunter will hunt you down,Lilac said, she was thankful that her voice was not trembling though it was lack of intimidation

He can do as he please if he were here, but the problem is, he is miles away to hunt me down.Aiden sighed deeply. You used to look at me with love in your eyes, what changed?” 

You are insane, Aiden! You have your own family! You have your own child!” 

With the mention of child, Aiden looked down to her stomach and stated. You are pregnant. I heard the news that you are pregnant.” 

Suddenly, his voice turned very cold and this scared Lilac, because she was afraid this man would hurt her baby and herself


Lilac was pregnant and she was past the month, where it was safe for her to shift into her beast, thus she couldn’t escape this situation, aside from screaming for help. She tried to protect her stomach

Thankfully, the warriors that were assigned for her were nearby, thus they could come in time

Gavin immediately shifted into his beast and chased after Aiden, while the other warriors helped Lilac to stand. up and take her back to her bedroom

Raya was freaked out when she saw Lilac’s condition. She looked so pale

What happened? What happened to her?!Raya asked in panic, as she helped the warrior to get Lilac to the 

bedroom and tuck her in. I will call the healer!” 

Lilac felt mostly shocked, but after that, she was fine. She was worried about her baby and she was afraid something bad might happen to her child

However, after Raya returned with the healer, Abigai, and she reassured her that she was fine, only then Lilac – 

could relax a bit

I will make a concoction for you, you need to drink that and take a rest.” 

But, Darren came into the room to check on Lilac. He rushed here the moment he learned what happened

Luna,Darren said, but Raya had stopped him from entering further into the room. What happened?he hissed. I heard Aiden was here?” 

Unfortunately, Gavin didn’t manage to get Aiden. That man managed to escape and now the luna was in this 


e beta had written a letter to the alpha and strengthened the protection around the pack. He couldn’t believe Aiden could enter their territory without anyone noticing him

But then, to think Kellan had betrayed them and collaborated with the lycan to destroy this pack and even attack the alpha and the luna in the past, Kellan must have told them a few secret tunnels that connected this pack to outside

Darren had ordered the warriors to close the secret tunnel and stand guard there, until further notice. This 


Chapter 183 

matter had to be discussed with the alpha


I will tell you,Raya said. Come, let’s talk outside. The luna needs to take a rest.Raya took the beta out of the room and explained everything to him. I don’t know that there would be an attack when I left her alone, or else, I would never have done that.Raya looked remorseful

Don’t blame yourself, no one would have predicted that Aiden would enter our ground.Jace patted Raya’s shoulder. But, why did you tell Gavin to step away from the luna?” 

Darren had questioned Gavin earlier about why he didn’t come right away to Lilac rescue before thing escalated to this point, but he told him Raya ordered him to stay away from Lilac for a while

We went to the waterfall and I thought, we wanted some private time. Probably dipped in for an hour or two, Raya replied. “That’s why I told them to step back for a while, it’s not appropriate if they were nearby.” 

This is already night.” 

Yes, but the weather is rather hot.” 

Darren nodded. He didn’t pursue further about this matter and then left after giving Raya a few instructions and told her not to let Lilac’s guard to step away again

I know, I am sorry. That’s my mistake.Raya lowered her head, she looked very remorseful

I am going to leave, take care of the luna.” 

Raya nodded again and with that, she stayed with Abigail by Lilac’s side, until morning came and the alpha 

walked into the room

Both of them were surprised to see the alpha was actually here. 

They were about to greet him, but Hunter gestured to them to be quiet and leave the room. Abigail and Raya immediately left, leaving the two of them alone

Hunter then approached Lilac and kissed her forehead. He didn’t want to wake her up, but he needed to touch 

her, to make sure she was only sleeping

He had asked Darren about what happened and the beta had explained everything to him, in which made Hunter’s blood boiled with anger. He wanted to skin Aiden alive, if it was really a possibility


Chapter 183 


The alpha waited for his luna to wake up for sometime and only after two hours of waiting, Lilac finally opened her eyes. She looked exhausted and a little bit pale, but her beautiful eyes widened when she saw Hunter was there

Hunter, is that you?Lilac still didn’t believe with what she was seeing. She blinked her eyes a few time and then pushed herself from the bed to take a closer look at Hunter

It’s me, Lilac,Hunter said with a smile on his face. He helped her to sit down and caressed her face. She looked lovable. I am sorry I put you in danger again.” 

Lilac shook her head. She knew what Hunter was trying to say. There was no way the blame was on him when it was Aiden, who had hurt her. That’s not your fault, Hunter. Don’t blame yourself.” Lilac hugged him. Our baby is fine too.” 

At this point, call him cruel, but Hunter cared more about his mate than the baby that he didn’t even meet yet. He only wanted to hug his mate closely and wouldn’t let go

However, he needed to leave right away, because his business had not yet been done in the Golden Claw pack. There were a lot of things to be taken care of

How can you be here?Lilac finally asked, they were having their meal now when Raya delivered the food to 


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