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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 

As the luna of the pack, luna Jasmine decided to come to see her mate off, despite her resentment toward him. She was still very bitter about the fact he had betrayed her

However, she had to keep what was left of her dignity intact and acted as the luna of the pack

That was when she saw Lilac. She wanted to have her company. Despite everything, there was time when she thought of her as her own daughter

Especially now when she was put into the same position like her. The betrayal of her own mate, made her understand what kind of pain Lilac had gone through at that time

Watching Ruby to be with Aiden, flaunting her pregnancy without any trace of shame must be not an easy thing for her

Now, luna Jasmine felt her

Long time no see, Lilac,luna Jasmine said. She smiled at her genuinely. After being in bad terms for this long, she felt a little bit awkward to have face to face conversation with Lilac, but then the familiarity was still there

Long time no see, luna Jasmine,” Lilac greeted her the same way, she looked at the luna and was a little bit surprised to see how she was

For someone, who used to see her on top of her game and was very concern with her appearance, it was a shock for Lilac to see her right now

She looked a few years older and looked very tired, as if she would collapse any moment, as if she had to endure all the hardship in her entire life at the same time

However, Lilac could mask her shock really well. She smiled at her too, as if the past few months had never happened

I need to congratulate you for your pregnancy,luna Jasmine said. She nodded at her stomach, her eyes turned misty because she wished the baby was Aiden’s. It would be very beautiful. How far long you are right now?” 

Thank you, luna Jasmine.” Lilac used to call her mother, but ever since that day, she stopped it and there was this sadness in luna Jasmine’s eyes when she remembered that. I am almost four months.” 

Luna Jasmine nodded. You need to take a good care of your health.” 

Thank you.” 

After that, the situation became a little bit awkward as the carriage started moving. Lilac didn’t know what to say and luna Jasmine didn’t say anything

But after a long stretched silence, luna Jasmine finally spoke first

I feel you,luna Jasmine started. I feel what you felt when Aiden betrayed you.” 

Lilac was surprised when she said that, because she didn’t expect luna Jasmine would bring up this topic. Of course, Lilac knew what happened. Hunter told her everything, also about his plan that went too wellwith luna Jasmine

Yet, Lilac had to feign her knowledge about that. What do you mean, luna Jasmine? Alpha James loves you so much. He is the best example of a faithful mate.” 

Lilac didn’t mean to resent luna Jasmine, but the word just came out of her mouth, probably she was still holding a grudge about what happened without even she knowing it


Chapter 187 

Luna Jasmine chuckled lightly when she heard that. I wished you were right.” 

But, after that, luna Jasmine didn’t say anything, which made Lilac fell into silence again, the carriage was very quiet and as she stared at the sky that slowly turned brighter, she spoke softly to luna Jasmine

Everything will pass, even the pain will pass too,Lilac said gently

How can you keep up with the pain?” 

Lilac turned her head and looked at luna Jasmine softly. My pain can’t be compared with you, luna Jasmine. Aiden did not mark me yet when I rejected him and I didn’t have a child with him.” She took luna Jasmine’s hands. But, I know that you are a strong woman. You deserved someone better.” 

Luna Jasmine shook her head. I have spent my last twenty five years together with him. It’s too late for me to get away from this mess. I will be with him until the end.” 

Even when you are being hurt?Lilac frowned

You are right, Lilac. Our pain is different and I think I will bring this pain to my death bed. Deep down, with or without the mate bond, I still love and care for him.” 

Even when her love for her son was bigger, but it didn’t mean, she could put aside the years she was together with James

I understand.” Lilac nodded

It meant, even when the pack went down and alpha James would face difficulty, luna Jasmine wouldn’t severe the mate bond between them. Somehow, Lilac envied her determination

I hope everything went well for you, luna Jasmine.” 

Can you call me mother?Luna Jasmine tried to keep her emotions in check, but she couldn’t. Her voice was slightly trembling when she asked this

For the last one year when Lilac was under her tutelage, she had grown very attach to her, which made her think as her as if she was her own

Everything will be alright, mother,Lilac said, which made luna Jasmine hugged her. She didn’t cry out loud, but Lilac knew that the luna was crying. She held her so tight, as if she was trying to put all of her trouble at rest for a while

This was the only thing that felt familiar for Jasmine. Lilac gave her a comfort that she really needed the most at time like this

Thankfully, she was still sane enough not to ask Lilac to persuade Hunter to change the plan, like she asked James, because it would be very disrespectful

Luna Jasmine knew it would be overstretched to ask Lilac for that favor and she didn’t bring Aiden often in this short conversation

Thank you, Lilac, thank you.Luna Jasmine felt like everyone had left her, the mate that should be the shoulder to cry on was betraying her, the son that she wanted to see, turned to be a traitor for the whole pack

And the only thing that felt family was only Lilac. She loved this girl. She hoped fate could change and she would have her again

After that carriage ride, Lilac went separated way with luna Jasmine. She got off the carriage once they arrived at the pack house and after a few words, they walked away

What were you talking about with her?Raya asked out of curiosity, she followed behind Lilac as they returned to her 


Chapter 187 



Nothing.” Lilac couldn’t tell Raya about this, because actually, there was nothing important that they were talking about, all the conversation was more emotional

Raya pursed her lips. You didn’t want to tell me anything now, you used to tell me everything. You are keeping a secret from me.” 

Lilac chuckied. There is something that you should keep to yourself, Raya,she said calmly

Well, you are right. But, I don’t like that luna after what she had done to you,” she said truthfully

She had done bad thing, but she also did good thing. I am thankful that you are angry on my behalf, but you didn’t need to do that, because I am no longer angry at her.” 

Raya clamped her mouth. You are too kind, Lilac. Sometimes, you need to be a little bit rude and vengeful to your enemy.” 

She is not my enemy, Raya,Lilac said, she was frowning a little because she didn’t know where Raya was coming from with all of this hatred


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