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Besotted novel Chapter 15

So tell me what you really want.


Sangavi Pov

As I braided my hair into a fish tail, I couldn't help but think about what I did with Caleb. My mind keeps on drifting back to the fact that I slapped him. It was totally unintentional. I never wanted to hit him but he shouldn't have tried to kiss me when I clearly didn't want to.

I sighed as I looked at myself into the mirror. I was wearing my cream Blouse and my black pencil skirt. I was getting ready for my work and I checked the time to find I have plenty of time left to reach the Office.

It's been a day since that day. Eden did called me few times wanting to know what happened after he left. I kept on changing the topic. And Caleb, he never even bothered to call me.

Judging the type of person he is, I know he might be very angry. Angry upon me. Because not only did I stopped him from kissing me but also slapped him. And this might have seriously affected his ego. He must be feeling rejected and for that I know he must be thinking of ways to make my life a living hell. Once again.

Putting on my Black Blazer, I took my bag and important files and made my way out of the apartment.

As I have got time left, I thought of having my breakfast in Starbucks.

"One Frappuccino please" I gave my order to the guy and paid the money.

I ordered and went to sit near the glass pane. As I waited for my order, I thought of to go through my files.

After fifteen minutes of doing my breakfast in Starbucks, I made my way out of there and taking a taxi, I reached the building.

God only knew why all of a sudden I began to feel nervous. My heart began to hammer against my rib cage as I made my way into the elevator and waited for it to take me to my destined floor. I wiped the sweat which was now started to form on my upper lips using the back of my hand.

"Why are you Nervous?" I muttered to myself.

"Be strong. You can handle his temper Sang" I tried to motivate myself. But as soon as the elevator door pinged open all my motivation flew out of the window.

My heart began to hammer even more rapidly and slowly I made my way towards my Cabin wishing my colleagues Good morning.

"Oh Thank God!" I heard Steven One of my colleague speaking as he walked towards me.

"Oh How much we miss you" Jonathan another colleague spoke as he gave me a warm smile.

"Its only been a week guys. What's so thankful in it?" I said confused as I arranged the scattered files on my desk.

I wonder who was sitting here when I was gone.

"You say this One week? Oh please!" Steven threw his hands in the air.

"Ask us. Ask us what we have been through when you weren't here" he shoved his hands into his pant pockets as he made faces.

"It can not be that bad" I raised my eyebrow as I stated what was in my mind.

"Bad? It was horrible" Jonathan added to the conversation.

"Everything was out of place. But more importantly his temper and tantrums" Steven spoke which made me stop my work.

"He?" I asked as if I didn't know.

"Boss who else?" Jonathan confirmed.

I nodded clearing my throat.

"He was so angry. That week was the horrible one. I wish I would never go through such kind of day again. Gosh! God only knows how happy I am seeing you back here. You are the only one who can handle his temper not us" Steven shooked his head as he spoke.

"And I thought you all might be enjoying without me" I teased as I gave him a smile to which both of them made faces.

"Enjoy?" Steven question incredulously.

"We even forgot such word even existed" Jonathan added.

"Sure you do" I laughed.

"Anyways welcome back" Steven smiled as he kept a file on my table.

"Boss wants this file to be completed" he said and I raised my eyebrows at it.

"And he told us last Friday that you will be the one to complete it when you will be back. So take your time. Complete it and submit it to him before he goes erupting lava once again" Steven said as I lifted the file up into my hand and began to read it.

"He wants it today?" I asked. All the while the sound of my running heart audible to my ear.

"Yes he wants it today. He made it clear to us" Steven said and after I gave him a small nod and smile, he left with Jonathan trailing beside him out of my cabin.

"Oh no! Now I have to face him" I thought as I sat on my chair and began to do my work.

When I checked the time, it was already 12 in the noon.

I frowned as I got up from the chair. I felt my back little stiff from sitting in the same position for hours.

"Jesse where is he?" I asked to one of my colleague pointing my finger towards Caleb's Cabin.

"He hasn't come yet. And seeing the time I think he will not come today" he replied which made me frown.

"Not come but why?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulder and walked away.

I kept on thinking about his absence the whole afternoon. As I did my lunch, my mind kept drifting towards the fact that may be he wanted to avoid me now for the rejection I did.

When it became the time to leave, I packed my stuffs into my bag and walked out of the cabin and out of the building back towards my home.

Its been two days and yet there is no sign of him. I have been going to the office and passed in handling all of his projects during his absence. The reason of his absence is yet to know. But I heard from of the worker that he was busy with some of his girlfriends in his house.

Somehow I found myself getting jealous and even angry at some point but then who am I to have all those emotions when he is no one to me and I no one to him.


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