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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 1


And he thrust into her core, pumping his length until she could only feel him. A breathless moan escaped her lips. The tantalizing sound sending pleasurable shock waves through his body. Her hips rocked bringing him further into her until-








“Hey little Ash, we’ve come to steal you from your books for a while.” Ryan burst through the door, Blake following closely behind him.








A gasp escapes her lips and she quickly place the book on the bed. Her cheeks heats up quickly with a blush as she fixes her glasses. Oh god this is embarrassing. She thought as she pressed her back further on the headboard.








Ryan plops down on the bed, spreading his arms and legs on the soft mattress. “I’m jealous of your bed.” He groans stretching further until his hands hit her thigh.








She could feel Blake’s eyes on her, studying her until she couldn’t take it anymore and snapped her eyes to his. Those blue eyes had her sucking in a breath and she quickly looks away. “What were you reading there Ley?” His tone holds a tinge of amusement.








Before she could answer him, he reaches over and quickly grasp the book. “Hey!” A silent protest leaves her parted lips. She gets up quickly, her feet hitting the wood with a plod.








Her black loose curly hair falls wildly over her shoulder. It reached on her bum, but she had no intentions of cutting it.  Blake chuckles, outstretching his hands away from her so she couldn’t reach.








His blue eyes scan the words and her heart thuds. Oh god please don’t read it out loud. She silently begged in her head as she tiptoed to grasp the book in his hand. She let out a frustrated breath when it was futile. He was taller than her that was for sure.








She could hear Ryan’s amused chuckles as he watch her struggle to get a hold of the book. What best friends I have. She thought sarcastically.








“And he thrust into her core-” Blake begins, his eyes quickly snaps to hers. Her breath hitches when those swirls of blue turns a shade darker. His brow raises in amusement as he studies her.








“Now Ley, aren’t you a bit too innocent for these books?” He tsked in a mocking tone.





His black hair curls on his forehead, his lashes so long that she was embarrassed to admit she was jealous of their length. Straight nose leading to a set of soft lips that were now curled into a smirk. He was handsome.








The current blush on her face grows a shade darker. She was sure she looked like a red truck. Ryan’s laughter floats through the room, his voice so loud that she feared her parents would come and see what was the cause.








She didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of them, knowing Blake, he wouldn’t miss the chance too. No one knew of her secret stash of erotica novels she has hidden under the bed. But now her secret was now in the open.








She groaned aloud, curling her fingers into a fist before punching Blake in his torso. He lets out a stunned breath, and she uses it to jump slightly to pry the book out of his hands.








“Why did mom let you guys in?” She whined feeling utterly mortified that Blake had read those words louder than necessary. She quickly places the book in the waistband of her sweatpants. Hoping Blake wouldn’t try to have a hold of it again.









His blue eyes flicker to the book in her sweatpants and a twinkle of mischief passes through his striking blue eyes. She shakes her head swiftly, jumps on the bed and ends up tumbling on Ryan. “Shit Ash, I think you broke my damn hand.” He grunts, pushing her off.






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