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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“Wake up!” Arden’s voice yells behind the closed door. He  bangs the door three times before I hear his loud  footsteps become a distant sound.

I sigh, turning over on my back and throwing the blanket  off my body. After sneaking back in last night, I went  straight to bed after changing into my pajamas. The  events from last night kept replaying in my head.

It all felt like a dream. A silly dream. There was no way  that Blake kissed me like I was his. Or did we even kiss  to begin with? I was starting to think that it was all a  hallucination.

A tired groan left my parted lips as I got off my bed. My  body felt tired, I felt tired. But of course today was school  and if I don’t go, dad would be suspicious.

My bare feet tread over the cold floor as I make my way  across my room. My fingers wrap around the door knob  and turn. It opens simultaneously with Arden’s. He  smirks, already dressed for school.

“Had a fun night?” Arden mocks before closing his door.  His bag straps slung over his shoulder as he walked  ahead without waiting for my answer. “Blake owes me  fifty bucks by the way.”

With narrowed eyes I watch him disappear from my line  of vision down the stairs. What time is it? I turn around  and look over at the clock on my nightstand.

The time reads 7:15. A shocked gasp escapes my mouth  and I’m left running into the bathroom to get ready. I’m  never going to a party again. I scold myself. Never in my  life was I ever late for school.

Slipping on my converse I make my way down the stairs.  It’s oddly quiet, which is unusual for my family. By now  Arden would be making some silly joke that I wouldn’t  get and mom would be cackling with laughter while dad  shoots her love sick eyes. Now that was our usual but not  this sudden quietness.

I got closer to the kitchen with the strap of my bag slung  over my shoulder. I’m entirely confused as I enter the  kitchen. Mom has already placed breakfast on the table  that I unfortunately wouldn’t get the time to eat all of it.

Arden’s head is bent low as he gobbles down his bacon  while Dad’s eyes are set on me as I walk in. His  sternness makes it all more uncomfortable. I nibble on  my lip and walk in nearer.

“Good morning.” I greet and walk over to the table to  pick up a slice of bacon and throw it into my mouth. I  could feel Dad’s eyes on me and squirm already knowing  I was in trouble.

“How was last night? Sorry I couldn’t join you but it  would’ve seemed weird for a guy my age to tag along.  Now wouldn’t it?” The words fly out of dad’s mouth.

I cringe turning to face him. His face is stony and I knew  he wouldn’t keep it up for long. He never has, even  though he tried. Dad was a softy for us and that’s his  weakness.

“I’m sorry daddy-” I started, pushing the gla*ses up to  keep it from sliding off my nose.

“What if something happened to you!” He rages calmly.

I snap my eyes to Arden. His eyes were already on me as  he stifled his laughter. “You traitor!” I hiss.



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