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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17

I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart began to  hammer behind my breast. Uncontrollable. Blake  presses his fingers more into the flesh of my waist.

Heat emanates from the pads of his fingers into  the material of the dress I had chosen to wear until  it reaches my flesh.

My lower region responds quickly and I feel my  vagina clench in anticipation. I desperately fought  to prevent myself from rubbing my thighs together  to relieve the sudden pleasurable ache.

“I can’t stop thinking about the way you taste.” He  continues to whisper. The hand that was on my  waist travels down until it was close, almost  touching my inner thigh.

He was so close, so close to where I really wanted  him to touch. I could feel a sudden bump pressing  into my back. I knew it was his cock and just the  thought of him turned on by me pleases me so  much that a low moan slips out.

“I can’t stop thinking about the way you  responded. The way you felt. I want more.” He  groans and pushes his front more into me until I  could feel his length. He felt hard, big and long  against my back. My hands itch to touch him  through his jeans.

My head is clouded with him, I couldn’t think  properly. The hand I was cutting the frog shakes  uncomfortably.

My eyes dip to stare at his hand that was  dangerously close to my feminine regions. My  breathing comes in rough pants at the sight.Seeing  his big hand close to where I wanted him to touch  suddenly made me feel hot all over. His fingers  were inches away from where I desperately want  him. Just a little more.

Never would I have thought that Blake and I would  ever be in this position. Yes he always teased me  and made sexual jokes but Blake was always hard  to read. Like now, I didn’t know if he was being  serious or was playing around. But this wasn’t the  same, it was different, too intimate.

But the hard bulge pressing on to my back makes  me think otherwise. Maybe he was serious, maybe  Blake does want more.

Then my eyes snap up when I hear a sudden  screech from a blonde girl on one of the tables  before us. She seemed to be terrified of the  creature she was dissecting.

Her blonde hair reminds me of a certain someone.  Someone who wouldn’t be pleased if she saw us in  this position. Guilt crawls in my stomach until it  envelops my entire body. Everyone was right, I  was a slut for making Blake touch me this way  knowing he has a girlfriend. I should be disgusted.

My grip on the knife tightens as I finally get out of  the daze. “Blake stop, Stacy.” I breathed out. Upon  hearing her name he freezes and moves away  from me abruptly. I miss his warmth but I knew I  had to stop this before it escalated.

Yes I love Blake and him finally showing interest  was all I ever wanted, but not like this. Not when  he had a girlfriend. And just by his swift actions of  pulling away from me, I knew he was still with her.  Did you think he’d leave her for you? Just because  you guys kissed? It was just a dare remember? My  inner voice taunts.


“Stop.” I whispered, clenched my eyes shut. “Just  let’s forget it ever happened.” I breathed out then  opened my eyes back. I could feel his eyes on me,  feel his burning stare but I refused to look at him.  Instead I focus on dissecting the frog.


“Ley-” He starts again, his voice is now heavy with  what I presume as guilt.

“Sorry I’m late sir, my dog died!” Ryan shouts as  he enters the cla*sroom. He bangs the door hard  enough to have the hinges shake from the force.


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