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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19

I set the tray down on one of the vacant lunch  tables and sat down on the wooden bench. It was  in the far corner, different from sitting in the  center with Blake and Ryan.

I fix the gla*ses on the bridge of my nose then  outstretch my hands to grab one of the burgers.  My fingers push into the soft buns as I bring it to  my mouth.

“Jeez Ashley I’ve been looking for you


I freeze with my mouth parted on the burger. Then  relaxed when I realized that it was Ryan. His  auburn hair looks wild, like he had run his hands  through his hair many times.

He plants himself on the chair opposite to mine.  Setting his tray down he cringes while poking a  fork into what I presume was macaroni and  cheese.

“Why didn’t you sit where we normally sat?” Ryan  asks as he pushes a forkful of macaroni in his  mouth.

I bite into the burger, relishing in the taste. I  shrugged. Ryan rolls his eyes before dropping the  fork on the tray. He crosses his arms over his  chest and raises a thick brow in question. “Mind  telling me what’s wrong with you today?”

I swallowed and place the burger down. I sighed  when he waited for my answer. “Do you still feel  nauseous-“

“Don’t answer my question with a question.  Answer me Ashley, don’t let me go fetch Blake for  you.” He snaps.

I stiffen hearing his name. Ryan notices and his  eyes soften drastically. “It’s him isn’t it?” He  questions softly.

I nibble on my lip and tear my eyes away from the  pity look he sent me.

“It’s not just him, it’s everyone.” I mumble not  feeling hungry anymore. “Don’t act like you  haven’t heard about the disgusting rumors that  have been circulating around the entire school.”

Ryan snorts. “Who gives a F*ck about those stupid  rumors? We all know exactly what happened,  you’re not a slut Ashley.”

I turn to face him nibbling on my lip. His eyes still  held a tinge of pity but the rage had almost  overpowered it. “Look, I’m the cause of all this. If I  hadn’t made that stupid dare those dumb rumors  wouldn’t be circulating around. Please don’t pay

attention to them Ashley, this is my fault and I’ll  fix it.

“You can’t fix it Ryan, everyone sees me as a slut  who made out with her best friend that is taken. I  feel bad that I enjoyed kissing him knowing he was  with Stacy. I’m the laughing stock of the entire  school.” I say softly not having the appetite to eat.



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