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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“I want everyone to read the yellow wallpaper by  Charlotte Perkins. Then in a brief pasage explain  what you’ve learnt. I want this by tomorrow.” Miss  Fernandez states in a stern voice then dismisses  the clas right after the bell rings.

I made a mental note to head to the school’s  library before going home. Sighing, I place the  books inside my bag, zipping it up while looking at  the clock.

“What a loser.” A girl whispered to her friend while  they giggled at me. I lowered my head and slung  the bag straps over my shoulder.

Even though dad had come early to speak to the  principal today, some of the students still thought  it was funny to call me names. Though the  principal warned them about getting suspended  some thought it was a pointless threat.

I move towards the door, not caring that I brushed  pa*s others to get out first. I hear their protest  and nasty remarks but I was determined to not let  them get to me anymore.

I got out of the cla*sroom and headed over to my  locker. I spot my brother waiting beside it, hands  in his pockets as he leaned his head on the cold  blue metal with eyes closed.

I rolled my eyes and purposely knocked the locker  loud enough to have him jolt. “What’s wrong  sleeping beauty?” I teased. This was the first joke I  managed to make today.

I was not exactly in the best mood, not when Blake  was still avoiding me like the plague. That surely  didn’t go unnoticed by everyone. This made the  rumors worse especially when everyone saw Stacy  cozying up with Blake at lunch.

The sight had revolted me so much that I went to  have lunch outside. It made me realize that Blake  had probably lied to me yesterday about breaking  up with her.

Sure they weren’t kissing but they didn’t look like  they weren’t a couple either. I felt a hot boiling  rage of jealousy just by thinking about them  together.

I should’ve hated him for that, I should never want  him to touch me again. But all I can think about is  his lips, the way he kissed me like I was his drug.  The way he looked like he was in ecstasy as he ate  me up like a starved man.

“Earth to Ashley.” Arden says snapping his fingers  in my face. I shake my head and snap back to  reality. Seeing my brother’s annoyed blue eyes has  me mentally smirking from irritating him.

“Jeez what the hell were you thinking about?”  Arden questions.

“How I’d love to not have to see your face  everyday.” I joked slamming the locker.

“Ha ha very funny.” He says boredly.

“I have something to research for cla*s tomorrow,  I’ll meet you home.” I said putting the last book in  my bag. I had a ton of homework tonight and I  really didn’t want to slack off.

“Wait you’re not coming? But how will you be able  to get home?” Arden asks in confusion. I look up to  see his brows furrowed and lips pulled down in a  frown.

I shake my head, zipping the bag. “No I’m not, tell  Ryan to not wait up for me. I’ll take the bus. I  won’t be long I promise. And tell dad I’ll be home  soon and yes I know I’m still grounded but it’s for  school.”

“Try explaining that to our old man yourself. Dad  will not be pleased Ashley and I don’t want to  leave you here alone.” He says in concern. I  sighed.

“Arden I’m just going to look through a book, I  won’t be long. Nothing’s going to happen. By the  way, it’s my job to be protective not the other way  around.” I said softly.

He looked like he was contemplating before  nodding. “Okay fine but make sure you’re home by  four.” He says sternly.



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