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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28

We’ve been sitting on top of a desk for  approximately five minutes. My eyes stayed glued  on the clock as every second ticked by. It was  nerve-racking having to wait for the cops to arrive.

My hands were folded under my breast, acting as a  protective barrier for what was about to happen. I  knew I had to eventually explain what transpired  here. But it didn’t make it easier. In fact I felt  revolted just thinking about speaking about it.

The security had been wiping a wet rag over the  boy’s face. He had finally regained his

consciousness and had started to curse softly when  the man pressed the rag on his cheek.

Blake had been silent but I could sense the anger  that still radiated off of him in waves. I knew he  was upset and by the way he glared at my  attempted rapist I knew he was still thinking of  ways to murder him.

The sound of the sirens has my skin prickling with  anxiety and I start to sweat profusely.They were  here. “Blake I’m scared.” I whispered for his ears  only. He moves off the desk and comes towards  me, pulling my head to his chest. “It’s okay  bambina. Nothing bad will happen.”

I know he was trying to ease my worries but even  he didn’t believe his own words. There was no  a*surance that the cops would believe us or listen  to what happened. For all we knew, the guy could  come up with the most ridiculous thing and get  away with it.

“I’m afraid they’ll arrest you-” I choked up  pressing my nose on his black shirt. “They won’t.”  He a*sured brushing a hand down my hair in  comfort.

“You two better not be plotting a way out of this.  The cops are here and will get to the bottom of  whatever happened here.” The security mumbles.

I tear myself away from Blake and look over at the  security. Not once did he think that I was the  victim and not the boy he was cleaning up. I  couldn’t blame him, I haven’t exactly explained to  him what happened.

“Cops?!” The attempted rapist screeched out. It  was like he now understood what was happening  around him and he didn’t look a bit happy to hear  the news.

At that second the door bursts open and in strides  one of the most beautiful cop I’ve ever seen. My  anxiety and fear diminishes as officer Ryn and  officer Nate enters. Blake visibly sighs in relief  when he spots his mom and his uncle.

“Blake Tyler Reed what have you done!?” Ryn’s  voice is a mix of annoyance and anger. Behind her,  a very amused Nate stifles his laughter. The  security’s face is imprinted with a confused frown.

“Why do you always think I’m at fault mom?”  Blake says with a whine.

Her eyes narrow. “You’re your father’s child. The  exact replica in every way.” She says in a matter  of factly voice and walks over to us. But stops  when she spots the teen boy on the floor with a  barely recognizable face.

“Oh Blake, what did you do?” She whispered in  horror.

Blake groans beside me. “I wasn’t the one at fault  this time. This bitch-“

“Can I speak to you in private officer Ryn?” I asks,  cutting off Blake. I knew he was confused but  didn’t word it out.

Ryn’s eyes widen in shock as if just realizing I was  there. Gaining back her composure she nods  quickly. She nudges to the corner of the room and  says something to Nate before walking over to the  corner.

Blake hand wrap around my arm, stopping me.”  Do you want me there with you?” He questions in a  worried tone. I turn to him and send him a  rea*suring smile.

“It’s okay, I got this.” I answered and strut over to  a waiting Ryn.

It felt like I was rea*suring myself. I admit I was  afraid to tell anyone what happened. I felt gross  and wanted to scrub my skin until it turnt red. But  that’ll have to wait.



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