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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 3




Ashley’s pov


Ryan is the first to enter, opening those glass doors that looked really intimidating. I gulped some much needed air, staring at the many faces inside the too small restaurant. I could already feel claustrophobic just by looking at it.


I could hear the shouts, the praises as Ryan made his presence known. I rolled my eyes, knowing that we would be surrounded by their many admirers. I reach for my ponytail, separated my black tresses in two and pulled them away from each other until the scrunchie got tight enough to my liking.


I breathed out when the presence of Blake comes beside me. I could smell his scent, a tinge of mint and aftershave. He sees me staring at the crowd of rowdy teenagers circling around Ryan, bombarding him with questions. He knew his turn was coming next.


“You know you should try to loosen up, it’s not like they could do you anything , Ryan and I are here.” He professed.


But that’s the thing, when I wasn’t around Blake and Ryan they treat me like I was dirt under their expensive shoes. Given I didn’t talk much, not that I wanted to talk to snobby rich kids anyway.


But it still bugged me that when I was around the boys they’d somehow magically got nicer towards me. They would lose their scowls and judgemental eyes but it wasn’t the same for when I was alone.


I guess this is what I get for being friends with the most popular guys in the school. And to top it off, they were the optimum of drop dead gorgeous. Yeah I was doomed from the start to get those hateful glares from the girls.


I feel a weight on my shoulders and I’m brought back to reality. I turn and look up to face Blake, squinting when the ray of sun almost blinds me. “Come on.” He urges pulling me along with him, his arm securely tugging me closer to his way too tall body.


His scent is stronger now, almost suffocating. My heart leaps before it starts pounding uncontrollably. My palms itch to wrap around his torso to hold him but I fought against it. There wasn’t a reason for me to make the girls think we were together or give them more reason to treat me like poop.


He shoulder opens the door and like a magnet everyone is drawn to him. I feel myself shrink in his arms and the familiar feeling of nervousness clawing at my body. Sensing this, he squeezes my shoulder reassuringly.


“Blake man are you coming to that party tonight?” A boy with sandy brown hair asked him. I could swear that I had seen him before in one of my classes. He was probably one of those kids who sat at the back and put their feet up on the desk to act ‘cool’.


“Blake you still owe me that drink.” A girl giggles flirtatiously. Blonde hair with blue ends flowed down her back. The crop top she wore, showed off the navel piercing that almost had me cringing. The ripped shorts were too tight for her and I wondered how she was able to walk.


Questions upon questions were flying towards Blake and I was seriously getting annoyed. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t see him tomorrow. At least let me get my food first before I have to suffer from hearing ridiculous flirting.


I pulled Blake’s arm off my shoulder and sneaked away from the crowd. It was a small crowd compared to when we were at school. I spotted Ryan at one of the tables and when he saw me he called me over.


“Are you guys celebrities and y’all failed to mention it to me?” I groaned plopping down on the seat.



I reach over for the menu and used it as a desperate way for a fan. With all those teenagers crowding me, I really thought I would suffocate. Ryan throws his head back and gives off a laugh. “Maybe we are.” He chuckles then shrugs. “Or maybe we’re just that handsome and cool, I mean who could resist us?”


I snorted, fixing my glasses. “I do.”


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