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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

There’s a loud roar from the two men beside me. I  winced and elbow my way until I reached the  front. “Hey watch it spongebob!” A girl snapped as  I accidentally stepped on her foot.

“Sorry!” I shout over the loud roar of the crowd.  She rolls her eyes and sets her attention on the  fighters.

I look at the ring and gasp at seeing Blake fight for  the first time. Red gloves wrapped around his  hand, the color of blood. Ironically that was exactly  what he was drawing out from his opponent,  blood.

Sweat glistened down his body and I found myself  licking my lip involuntarily. I knew he worked out a  lot and that explained his sculpted muscles. But  what I didn’t know was the dragon tattoo that was  carved on his shoulder.

It made him more attractive than he already  was.He threw a punch at the guy’s face, hitting

him square on the jaw. Blood splatters out on the  mat and he stumbles back at the blow.

My skin is prickling with anxiety as I watch Blake  send another jab that hits his opponent on the side  of his head. The way Blake moved with so much  elegance, confidence it was mesmerizing.

The way he expertly avoided his opponents jabs  looked like he was born to do this, like he had  rehearsed this for hours. He looked beautiful. I  couldn’t look away, watching him with awe as he  continues to push the guy to his limits until he  knocks out from one of Blake’s blows.

The referee calls out the match and raises Blake’s  hand. Blake smirks as everyone cheers from his  victory. But I just stood there, staring at him,  wanting to give him my own congratulations that  wouldn’t be appropriate in this crowded area.

As if sensing my stare his head quickly snaps to  where I am standing. I see his blue eyes widen in  surprise before it quickly turns to anger as he  scans my body. Oh crap he’s mad.

I squirm as he drops his hand and gets out of the  ring. His long angry strides reach beside me in a  couple of seconds. He doesn’t speak, only moves

one of his gloves to wrap his fingers around the  bone of my wrist.

The crowd parts as he pulls me away further from  them. I could feel their curiosity and glares as  Blake pulled me inside an empty room. It looked  like where he got ready judging by his clothes  scattered on the bench.

He slams the door roughly with a bang and locks  it. The noise from the crowd is now faint. I turn  around to face him. Seeing the heated fury in his  eyes has me shifting from foot to foot. I open my  mouth to speak but he’s quick to cut me off.

“What are you doing here and what the F*ck are  you wearing!?” He blasted removing the other  glove and throwing them somewhere in the corner  of the room.

“I-I-i needed to see you, I couldn’t sleep.” I  stuttered out feeling stupid for coming here now.  Maybe he didn’t want me here.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “You  could’ve simply called me Ley, I would’ve come  over.” He scans my body and his blue eyes blaze  back with rage.

“There are many sick bastards around tonight that  wouldn’t think twice in doing something bad to  you. Didn’t you think before coming here dressed  like that?” He snaps and racks a hand through his  damp hair.

I flinch from his words, my face going a shade  lighter as I realize he was right. Didn’t I learn from  earlier with Peter? He must’ve noticed the moisture  in my eyes because his eyes soften considerably.  He sighs and comes closer until we were but a  breath apart.



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