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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Blake clutching my hand in his. His warmth  soothes me. “I’m sorry that I caused you to skip  lunch.” I apologized as we walked back towards  the school.

We only had approximately two minutes left until  the bell would ring to end lunch. There was no way  we’d be able to eat. Blake snorts finding my  apology amusing.

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“You always come first Ley.” He says squeezing  hand. My heart races. “And I wasn’t hungry  anyway.” He shrugs and opens the door.

I’m instantly startled when a loud pitched familiar  scream echoes through the entire hall. I’m stunned  as everyone begins to run towards the screams  and loud shouts.

Blake’s clutched my hand more firmly as we  followed the wave of students. The nearer we get  to the loud shouts the more distinct I can hear fist  hitting skin and bones. I wince and nudge my way  forward.

I had a sudden inkling feeling that I wouldn’t like  what I’ll witness. I readjusted the strap of my bag  when someone brushed pa*s me roughly.

“Don’t ever F*cking touch her again!” Fear is  sucking the life out of me as I hear the sound of  Arden, my brother. His voice is loud and clear,  bringing anyone to their knees if they were the  focus of his fury.

“Arden stop you’ll kill him!” A high pitch female  voice screams in terror. It’s Rosalie. I feel an urge  to hurry up and see what was going on.

Whatever it was Arden and Rosalie was involved.

Blake squeezes my hand as he pushes the people  that were in front of us. They parted for him,  mostly because they were afraid of him. Who  wouldn’t be?

I’m horrified to see Arden’s fist pummel into a  boy’s face. His jabs are unforgiving as he jams it  over and over on the boy’s face. His shirt is torn  and hangs limply across his body.

Anger is radiating off of him in waves, this  prevents anyone from interfering. I’m internally  panicking as I see the guy in his arm stop resisting  his brutality.

“Arden!” I yelled over the loud shouts from the  other people circling around the two boys. My eyes  dart to the side where a blonde is standing in  fright, screaming for Arden to stop. Rosalie. What  the hell is going on? The bell rings but no one  makes a move to get to cla*s.

Before I could even tell him to, Blake is already  advancing towards Arden and easily pries him off  of the unconscious guy. He’s struggling in Blake’s  tight grip but relaxes when he notices it was him.

I stride towards him quickly and let out a soft cry  of shock at seeing his bloody fist. His lips were torn  as the blood trailed down his chin down to his

neck. “Arden what-” I couldn’t even finish the  question as I look at my angry brother.

“He should’ve kept his hands to himself.” He hisses  as he glares at the boy on the floor. There are  murmurs as everyone looks at Arden. Rosalie runs  over to us and hugs him before pulling away.

“You crazy idiot! You could’ve gotten hurt!” She  cries as she scans her eyes over his body. Blake  still has a firm grip on Arden incase he tries to go  at it again.


“And I Fcking enjoyed it. What, didn’t like me  beating up your pussy as boyfriend?” Arden spits  in rage.


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