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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 5


Ashley’s pov




Her brows raise as her friend goes silent beside her. Then a nasty smile makes its way to her lips, the sight unsettling. “Well then now you know how embarrassing you are to the boys.” She said waving her hands off then later picking at her long nails.


I look for a way out, a parting way out that is. I was never one to confront someone, that just wasn’t me. I never had the guts to. I cross my arms and straighten my stance, trying to seem confident even though I was lacking it.


“The only one who should be embarrassed right now is you. Aren’t you the girl who basically threw herself on to Blake last year and tried getting with Ryan a week later? Oh and failed at both?” I jabbed.


What the hell was wrong with me? Since when did I become a bitch? I cringed when the word popped in my head. I hated cursing.


She gasps her face reddening with a faint blush. Shame was written on her face. “How do you know about that?” She stumbles over her words.


Now it was my turn to pick at my chipped nails. I took pleasure knowing that my comeback wasn’t so bad after all. But maybe that was just the anger of seeing Blake kiss Stacy.


“We’re best friends, remember? They tell me everything.” I smirked smugly then strutted up to her. “I know every embarrassing thing you did to gain their attention Lucy, don’t make me remind you .”


With one final glance at the two girls I walked out of the bathroom with my head held high. But I didn’t feel confident, in fact I felt the opposite. This wasn’t the first time this happened to me. It was like a continuous routine.


It felt like my feet weighed a ton as I move toward them, the boys who unknowingly made every girl despise me. I settle down on the chair. Ryan lifts his head from the phone and stares, his brows furrowing in confusion. “What’s wrong?”


Hearing Ryan’s words has Blake removing his attention from his very annoyed girlfriend. His blue eyes study my face. I remove my eyes away from him, afraid that he’ll see what I’ve been hiding for years.


I turn to Ryan. “Nothing’s wrong.” I mumble, feeling nervous being the center of attention. I turn to face the table, noticing they already ordered. I reach for my fries and push it in my mouth.


“You look like you were crying little Ash, what’s wrong?” Ryan questions again, this time seeming to be impatient. I swallowed roughly, not wanting to answer the question. I couldn’t exactly say that I was crying because Blake was kissing Stacy. So I settled for a lie, a stupid one at that.


“It’s nothing to be worried about. Some girl was taking a dump in the bathroom, the smell kinda made my eyes water, that’s all.” I rush out, still not lifting my head to gauge their reaction.’


The smell of poop made your eyes water? Really Ashley, that’s the best you could come up with?


It’s silent for a few seconds before Ryan burst out into loud laughter. The sound had everyone currently inside the restaurant stop what they’re doing to see what had made him laugh so. I squirmed feeling their scrutinizing eyes on me.


“You.” Ryan gasps out, tears rolling out from the corner of his eyes. “You- cried because someone shit smelled bad?” Ryan laughed. His voice was loud enough to make everyone hear.




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